
)))) i like to talk with viewers

Foxy, you are fabulous, sexy and feisty, what a combination! I’m glad it seems to be all patched up now.

I hope you don’t have too bad a hangover!

@Studio39 Message for Luchik…
May I remind you please that you recently mentioned showing us your artwork here. I wonder if it is still possible to post something that shows what you draw. Many thanks. :slight_smile:

Angry Foxy must have put something in their tea! :rofl:

Well now Luchik isn’t going to show David his etchings.

For all who are wondering where the Halloween party is, girls had fun at a different place :crazy_face:


ÂżCuando luchik volverĂĄ a usar los dildos?

Hi Waldo, that looks fun, where was this?


so all of them are porn stars :rofl::joy:

Good morning to you too! :wink: :rofl:

Great stuff, many thanks, I love watching Foxy!

So sad…naughty Foxy! :cry: I still love all of these guys though, particularly the lovely Luchik! :slight_smile:

Did I see Andre and Altera there? I saw the name Altera in the credits!

I’m pretty sure this is them.

I think it’s her, where is that snap from? you can pm if you prefer

From the video posted on Sunny & Markus’s apartment. It seems they were there with Foxy, Milana & Robien, but I don’t think Luchik is there. I can’t tell with the costumes.

Ok thanks I thought it’s a vid from different source

I haven’t seen Foxy around for a while, am I missing her at other apartments, or has she dropped out for a while? (Possibly filming other porn films.)

Yep it’s her , Pars on one site and Paris in the other