Did you turn it off at the adapter level?
I did exactly that, no difference at all I’m afraid… seems you got a lucky break and your issue is not the same as most of the rest of us are experiencing…
I don’t use windows!
If it was caused by a Windows 11 update, as a Windows 10 user I shouldn’t have the problem at all. IPV6 is always been disab__d for me.
Yes. The whole site still has a lot of problems. Lagging, buffering, slow loading cams.
One has got to ask in all seriousness why are we still having all these problems after 6yrs of being online.
I don’t think it has ever been as bad as it is now.
It just seems to be never ending problems especially as there has just been a series of updates? Updates to what then?
Is it crap cams, crap service providers or just crap management?
Why is it that RLC never seem to have all these ongoing problems it just seems to be an ongoing disaster.
You can add temporally freezing up to the problems as well.
Fully agree. Also totally pointless to save moments for the archives as they will of course be fucked up too.
Forgot lack of audio often on timeline and apartments
Did not notice that… Have to check it. Do you have an example?
No can’t really recall fully now TBH, but think some of the timeline i was catching up on last night in the Vegas & Winter apartment was often silent when looking at the timeline but wouldn’t swear on that right now.
That’s because the volume keeps resetting to mute when moving through the timeline.
Investigating this.
I have to ask, were there support tickets made by anyone for the past 2 days in regards to website problems? The problem is that our tech team was not aware of the problems, and this is yet another reminder of The Forum is not a priority support line. VHTV Support page is.
Meanwhile, we’ve almost done rolling back any changes made to the code for the past 2 days, please let us know about your current VHTV experience too
Unfortunately it is the same for me as you can see here
Made the same experience in realm67
But the loading times and navigation on timeline is back to normal again.
Yes, i have refreshed the site and now it’s working perfectly. The cams are loading in an instant in every realm i tried. And no more jumps in time.
It is too early to celebrate anything, our specialists are now investigating further changes made recently to our code & infrastructure. There may be more issues, so please, we are welcome to any feedback
Yes, i guess you been right, it was too early to celebrate. Same like earlier and yesterday, frozen image and jumps in time
Your team should be streaming to pick up anomalies as well - then, they would know there is an issue.