Lags and latest site problems

Lets’s collect the latest problems here to get a better overview. I have:

  • Massive lags in all places
  • Cams take longer to load
  • Sometimes it takes several seconds til a click is recognized
  • Navigation in timeline is smooth but of course the playback is effected by the massive lags in the live streaming.
  • This also means all saved moments will have problems saving or will make problems playing.

Is it just me or has every apartment on the site got ISP issues at the moment?

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OK thanks.

I’m actually away on vacation at the moment and I was just assuming that it was the crappy internet in the cottage I’m staying in. But it sounds like the problem is with VHTV and not with me.

I assume that VHTV are aware of this. Although I’ve not seen them say anything about it on Twitter or the forum.

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I tested it with my connection at home, the WiFi at work and also with 4G mobile. It is not on your side :wink:

The lagging and skipping is now getting beyond a fucking joke :rage: especially here, seems worse than other realms. Come on @VHTV_James sort it out or at least tell us what the issue is, this has been going on for nearly 2 days now. I think all paying members should get one day at least back for free. Cams play fine for about 8 seconds then lag for nearly the same and finally skip forward about 30 seconds. I have looked at the positioning of the cams and it looks awesome, just one small but and that is why does the hall cam face the bedroom not the entrance?

I agree with regards to the lagging issues, however having gone through all the apartments this appears to be effecting all of them.

Yeah does seem to be be generally on many cams.

Maybe cooling issues, I know there was quite a lot of server issues in the UK yesterday. If they are experiencing the same heat we had which I suppose is possible as the Ukraine is slightly below the latitude of the UK so it could be hotter there.

I do not think so. These problems are going on for days now. I hope VHTV has a hoster with proper capacities in a datacenter where inside is always the same temperature to keep the servers cool…

Past three days we have had temps at 30+ degrees Mon and yesterday it got over 40, so that is 3 days. As I said they are below our latitude so it could likely be hotter there and may have been for quite some time. I have noticed that nearly all realms tenants seem to be sweating lately and shedding more and more clothes.

Fucking hot where I am. 35 degrees. TV has been acting up, not sure if it is the heat or not. So far, wifi is okay.

As for myself, I feel like a melted ice cream cone.

sexy ice cream GIF

Kyiv is just below the latitude of where I am in Warsaw Poland and 425 miles as the crow flies away from here and we are getting the heatwave moving in on Thursday.

Looks like it is getting warmer there from today on. what you have to remember it’s the compound heat that causes issues, day after day of heat creates real problems if their servers are not cooled adequately. Buildings absorb the heat and release it far more slowly so by the time the heat of the next day arrives it just makes matters worse.

That’s normal for this time of year and nothing extraordinary. Last week it was up in the 30s and will be again on Thursday and I was in Kyiv two weeks ago and it was pissing down with rain. lol

I don’t envy you at all. We only had three days but that was enough 40.3 was ball busting, even my sweat was sweating :rofl:

Well the problem is evident @VHTV_James
The chunks of the video are loading way too slow:

And some get even dropped completely.

Another place with several dropped chunks and crazy loading times.

Last one:

I took all three of them from different locations and even countries

This is the loading time from one video chunk:

Here is my Speed:


So the conclusion is VHTV has server problems… :stuck_out_tongue:

Can we please keep that topic for the lags and problems and not talks about weather? :wink:

This region fluctuates so much in these months and can get b___dy hot in the summer, yet in the winter I have known it go down to -34C, weird place. lol