1.) The amount of viewers who said they have reported these issues over time and got back the cut and paste “The issues must be on your end” response from support when it was clearly a larger problem, I know that it was a consideration which led to me not attempting to report it.
2.) An expectation that management/support staff have some element of monitoring the site themselves - internet users are a little more savvy these days and they understand that website owners will get frequently updated with performance stats, server outage notifications, unusual server load etc and just expected you knew and it was something you were taking care of.
Maybe if the interaction mentioned in point one were improved a little and some genuine support and guidance offered, people would be more inclined to reach out rather than expect you to just be on top of it.
The nice thing is, I don’t think you can even write IT and you don’t know the difference between IPv4 and IPv6 and that VHTV servers are routed differently globally.
I tried it to rule it out as an obscure fix, imo what is more likely is that VHTV is hosted and routed on/by multiple servers which serve different regions globally and one of more of these servers has either a config error or too much load causing the lags/freezes - this would be why some people are getting quite significant issues and some don’t seem to be getting any at all - it’s possible that some people even in the same geographic region may be getting their content delivered by a different server…
It is just me having issues this morning with the site? Half of the cams in a Realm not loading and after a refresh, when loading, the other half stops loading