Bei mir laden die Cams auch ziemlich lang
No it isn’t just you i have been having it for a while now, skips and jumps in the video streams and frames being lost.
Even much in the forums won’t often load up well at all or take a long time.
Everything just seems to be falling apart lately.
Made a ticket earlier.
Just heard back from VH re my ticket with a whole list of instructions for clearing my cache
They must think we are fucking stupid i think, this is just their usual stock answer when you have a technical query, fucking tossers.
It’s strange, but somehow all service providers on the Internet are the same when it comes to interference. The fault is always sought first with the customer.
Well it’s the easy way out for them to just pass the buck.
Don’t ever get any problems with any other sites
I’m in North America. For the most part, over the course of the last couple of years I have not noted any consistent problems with the site. It is misbehaving at the moment. but this is far from the norm, in my experience.
All i can say is that you must have been very lucky.
Let’s wait until Putin cuts the Internet lines in the sea. Then nothing works anymore…
Well at least no more subscriptions then
Well, if I am lucky, it seems to me that this has to do more with my connection and routing on the internet rather than anything to do with vhtv. It seems to me that it would not make sense to put it all on vhtv when I am in fact receiving good streams from them almost all the time.
It can’t be; lots of people in different countries complaining, I float between the UK, the USA and the Caribbean, and it’s been dog s__t everywhere I’ve been in the last few months.
The new thing now is when moving through the timeline, it keeps muting.
It’s usually going well for me too, but not anymore in the last few days. And since I’m not the only one with these problems, the likelihood is very high that the fault lies with VHTV.
Is it possible that most of the people who are having problems are on a shared cable connection? I know where I live many people on cable complain about regular problems with streaming which I have heard attributed to too many people sharing a limited cable bandwidth.
Where are you in VHTV’s office
I don’t have the same problems with Reallifecam. Or any streaming services, as a matter of fact. Just VHTV.
Exactly, i don’t have any problems at all with any other sites at all either…
This is an example of the problem i got all day, jumping in time both forward and backwards. Notice the jump from 00:44:41 to 00:44:46
My ongoing problems have been solved and what it was may prove to be useful information to others.
The root cause of the problem is IPV6. It was enab__d (unknown to me) by a Windows 11 update. Disabling IPV6 seems to have eliminated the problem. As long as I don’t need IPV6, this is OK with me.
I don’t where where the IPV6 problem was occurring. It could have been at VHTV, Cloudflare, my ISP, Windows 11, or anything in between.
VHTV needs to help their users out with this kind of issue because I was ready to cancel whether it was VHTV’s fault or not. Essentially, their support just blew me off.
I have just tried it, it’s easy enough to disable IPV6 but it’s made no difference to the lagging, skipping etc I have had sadly… it’s really bad today so it was easy enough to tell right away it hadn’t resolved anything…
IPV6 has nothing to do with lags and buffering. Totally different layer in the OSI Model. Makes no sense at all.