Lags and latest site problems

im in england and have never had any problems

Yeah still getting frequent jumps in the video streaming, just seems to miss out many frames and this is happening thoughout the site in most apartments or at least the ones i watch.
Some pictures in the forum seem to open ok then others take ages to open if at all.
Switching cams seems to be a problem sometimes as well as previously mentioned.
Doesn’t seem to be any logic anywhere as to what’s working ok or not?

Hey @jabbath1987 what the fuck is going on with so many cams failing to open, the whole site getting completely fucked up very fast. :nauseated_face:

Vegas & Winter bathroom cam 11 now won’t open FFS :roll_eyes:

I have problems too, also this forum is working bad! :confused:

They need to add the option to manually choose server provider.


And with all the time I have spent watching cams trying to load on numerous occasions like many have complained about though out my subscription, and with 8 days left until it expires I have come to a point I’m not receiving the service I expect for monies paid. I will not be renewing my subscription.

I might add that this is not my 1st subscription. My 1st was a few years ago before this form existed, At that time I put in support tickets and all I ever got back is basically the issue was on my end even though I have top tier high speed internet. And the only site I had problems with was this one. Now reading what I have here over the last few months I have come to the conclusion it’s not my issue but the sites.

It is the site lagging badly or it is just on my end? I have cams jumping through time on every realm i have watched this morning.

Yes happening to me too. I thought it was just the apartment I was watching at first, but it is still happening when I switch to other apartments.

Have had this cam jumping and missing out frames for b___dy weeks now.
It does get one very pissed off but have got so fed up with complaining now as nothing seems to get done about it.
Thought it may have been fixed with all the latest upgrades they are supposed to have done but no such luck. What have the upgrades supposed to have done anyway.?
cc @stanley

I haven’t got any problems untill this morning, but now it’s really bad. No idea what they doing, but i can see the left side( favourites) constantly refreshing. Maybe they are doing some technical work?

Often makes me wonder if they know what they are doing half the time as when any upgrade is done it just seems to fuck up something else :laughing:

I don’t know who the project manager is, if they have one, but he/she is worth didlley squat

Well most normal company’s when doing upgrades etc do in house testing first not just releasing any updates to the public first in the hope that they work.

My point exactly… Go through a proper change process

The whole problem is i think that VHTV seem to be obsessed with having such a large number of apartments that they are unable to properly service them all.
After all RLC don’t go down this route they seem quite happy to have about 15 apartments which they are able to fully control and provide the subscribers with a first class service which VH can only dream off. A service with much better class cams and a much better interface.
Out of the 40 or however many apartments VH have i only ever probably watch less than half of them so it is self defeating really for them.
They need to realise that less is often more.
cc @stanley

Anyone having issues at the moment?

I’m getting skips and jumps, some thumbnails in the apartment list not loading as well as general slowness to load.

Don’t want to make a ticket if it’s just me

Yes, same here since this morning