Lags and latest site problems

I mentioned above I have tried Edge, Chrome and in out of incognito mode, Chromium, Firefox, MyIE9 browser, Brave, Maxthon and opera. Out of all those Brave lasted the longest before finally coming to a screeching halt. It got so bad at one point that my PC would freeze because the browser would be using too much CPU time which I could clearly see in Task Manager this was especially true for chrome as it opens multiple background tasks. As I said above it seems to be a poisoning effect, perhaps whatever codecs they use have changed recently or the way the feed is encoded I don’t know as that is getting far to techy for me to comprehend. Yes the forum gives me issues to I can be reading and then scroll down and just get a load of faint lines showing the posts are trying to load or the posts load but the pictures take a long time or don’t load and the spinning circle on the posted videos. The forum as a rule only gives me issues when I have a live stream from VHTV in another tab. I used to be able to have a lot maybe 10 - 15 VHTV tabs all streaming at a time with no issues but now if I have 2 or 3 open it takes very little time for them all to start lagging or freeze completely.

Surely as this site becomes more popular the will be more connections - more traffic- therefore more capacity is required ??? Instead it is now like waiting in line for a connection !

Just as a thought has anyone having the issues have the Duck Duck go privacy essentials extension installed? I installed the Duck Duck search extension 2 weeks ago and very soon after I removed it. I have just looked at my extensions and the privacy essentials extension that I didn’t see at the time of installing the search extension appeared, I have just removed it to see if that is the issue and will report back asap. The only other extension I have on any of my browsers is Dashlane my password manager.

I was thinking that maybe VHTV cut costs and didn’t future proof enough. I have noticed that the problems arise more quickly when something interesting is happening in a realm as opposed to when nothing is going on.

If the settings for this site appear to be so critical why hasn’t VHTV issued a list of minimum system requirements to be able to connect problem free instead of blaming every ones ISP
Then if our system is not up to scratch we can do some thing about it from our end.

Because there is moor traffic when things get interesting. As I said wait in line to be admitted when a spot becomes available.

Uff yes! I don’t even wait for the pictures, especially the video anymore, because it takes forever, or not at all, to come up.

And as a mockery, at the moment the videos are running top notch :rofl:

@anon31605929 I never thought I would do this…
You face palmed me when I threw logic at the situation, while you say you are not defending them, you are. It is their problem… they should be held accountable to fix it… so face palm away lol

Just a thought, when you posted that I was having no issues with the forum but did not have a live VHTV tab open. Did you have a VHTV tab open and streaming an if so how long had you had it open for?

Happy Jimmy Fallon GIF by The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon

No, I didn’t. I’m at work, where I only use the forum. I went on the cameras for a few minutes this morning, enough to test everything. Before my colleagues arrived. It’s a bit explicit content for the office :laughing:

I assume you cleared your browser cache on closing it?

How did you know?


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I have just received a support ticket reply mail.

I’m informing Support that I will go through the procedure written in the mail this afternoon from my home network, I don’t want to cause embarrassment at work :grin:

Just a hunch :rofl: Seriously though just checking as if you hadn’t it could well be what I was thinking cache poisoning. It may still be maybe VHTV has been hacked without them knowing? Food for thought or just an overly active imagination. Maybe just on certain realms, that is why some people don’t have the issue as they do not like those realms so never visit them.

I tried the procedure which was posted on here and the instructions were about as clear as mud to me :rofl: I am a technophobe, give me a car/bus/truck to work on and it’s no problem, computer, not a fucking cat in hells chance. I can build PC’s but software has never been my forte.

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Well something has to be wrong with the site or infrastructure because so many people reporting can’t be wrong…

Here are a couple of thoughts:

Cloudflare’s status say you have an error with your DNSSEC records. Don’t know if you are using DNSSEC or not.

Also, could you be under some kind of outside attack. Don’t know where you server physically is, but the with geopolitical situation, I wonder if someone is messing with you (such as DoS)

It seems I am not the only one thinking this then, see my post just above yours. And this is from the techtarget website " Cache poisoning is a type of cyber attack in which attackers insert fake information into a domain name system (DNS) cache or web cache for the purpose of harming users . In DNS cache poisoning or DNS spoofing, an attacker diverts traffic from a legitimate server to a malicious/dangerous server." It is VERY COINCIDENTAL that when you exit you browser and clear the cache and browsing history the site works fine again for a while. I thought I would try Fiddler and it reports the servers as being in the US. But this website says they are in France - Voyeur-House tv