Lags and latest site problems

That was exactly my intention, to try several systems with different configurations, find a working one, and then recreate the problem.

I can’t, I have the same problem everywhere, I don’t have a system at the moment where this problem doesn’t occur, it’s three different computers, different ISPs, and a mobile phone, wireless or data transfer.

I am lost.

I have been saying this for months. Every time they make a change something goes wrong and you can bet you bottom dollar that they have gone live with the beta, as the problems we were having when they first introduced it were not too dissimilar to what we are seeing now. They can’t even swap a camera out without it taking hours to come back online. I have noticed like others that the issues arise when lots of people are viewing. I visited a room where sex was happening and after a few minutes the lags and the like started happening, so I visited a realm where nothing was happening refreshed my browser, and everything was back to normal until I visited the realm where the lagging started and was again waiting for the page to load, the timeline to refresh or just anything to work. @VHTV_James you need to GET A GRIP :rage:

I am not smarter my friend and you know that, just using common sense and 15 years of exprience in network streaming and trying to explain and help, but people want to moan and are looking for targets, I get that, but don’t use me as a target. :slight_smile:

And I wash my hands of this now and leave you to it as I don’t want to become the problem here.

I believe that the only answer there giving everyone :stuck_out_tongue:
Which is not correct. I can understand a few people.but not half the people on the site.
Hoping they find the issue and fix it quickly!

We are actively working to find and fix the problem. Unfortunately, the problem is practically not reproduced for our specialists. Even at exactly the same time at which the problem occurs for users. The problem clearly affects many of our users, we understand this and trying our best. The most difficult thing is to find problems that occur only for a part of users and only from time to time.

its been over a week for me and others longer and vhtv wont even admit theres a problem so it doesnt lood good

Does the problem appear immediately when you open the site, or after some time? Every time when you switch cameras or from time to time, like in the videos of other users in this thread?

Then why not give people a debug script to run, it is simple and quick to run and will provide immediate answers.

My point is, that they are asking people to do their job. If I said, here, I need you to do an emergency bypass on the left circumflex artery that is 100% occluded (and it can’t be stented), and here are the written instructions on how to do it… and please share your results. What kind of Doctor would I be? They need to research the problem (not sitting in a hard wired office) with common sense and quit denying the problem is theirs, instead (as usual) saying it’s ours…sad…, but as long as we pay their salaries…

They should reimburse us for the days we lost :disappointed:


It’s completely random and that’s the biggest problem I have in finding the problem.

And as you said, it is from time to time, independent of the time that has elapsed. Sometimes the jam is three minutes long, sometimes an hour, sometimes the whole afternoon works without a problem. It’s not limited to a single camera, but the complete VHTV site, all the flats.

What amazes me is that the same thing happens on my mobile phone, on a data transfer via an operator that has nothing to do with my ISP on my computer. At the same time.

And you know for a fact that @VHTV_James won’t. I have 23 days left and will not be renewing if A. this issue is not resolved B. We are not given some days back as a good will gesture.

I have found that it happens after some time, the more rooms/realms and timeline points I visit the worse it gets until I have to close my browser, let CCleaner clean up and then open the browser again, sometimes even then it won’t load VHTV correctly. It seems to me to be a type poisoning or cumulative effect. Another cause I have noticed is that when I spend a long time watching a particular room without moving along the timeline, in other words letting time pass, that also causes the issue but not as severe as flicking through multiple room/realms or flipping through the timeline. Would it not make sense to go through the your change logs and see when a change was made closest to when you received your first ticket or first post here or am I thinking too far out of the box?

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Good point and I won’t be helping to pay their salaries after my last 23 days are up if this isn’t sorted quickly, and reimbursement given, I can tell you that for fuck all. @VHTV_James you fucked it you fix it. And the face palm reaction I think was unwarranted what whatdoiknow said is absolutely en pointe. Another analogy, you visit you local mechanic and ask him to fix your car, he gives you a sheet with the instructions on how to replace you injectors and recode them to the ecu would you continue to use that garage? I think not. VHTV telling us the problem is at our end then asking us to do the leg work debugging their site. As was said @VHTV_James need to create a script so we can run it and send it back to them. Maybe I am going out on a limb here but I think it’s likely they haven’t got a clue on how to create said script, or can’t be arsed so just blame our equipment that’s easier. So @VHTV_James prove me wrong.

I would not be so quick to attack VHTV itself. Remember that a bunch of users have absolutely no problems. If I understand correctly?

And it would be very interesting to just how many are suffering with the issues and how many are not to compare locals.

True that.

Maybe we could start with users who have absolutely no problems coming forward, describing their system a bit, which browsers they use, extensions…

I’m going to try Firefox at home, so far I’m having problems with Chrome and Edge. Edge is empty with extensions, Chrome is full and synchronized.

I’m also having problems with the forum at the moment, on my work computer, it’s taking a minute or two to save:

Could it be a memory issue? Maybe the site consumes too much memory? I have 64GB so probably won’t notice it…

In my case, above your post, no. The message already shows up on the forum, the forum says back that it’s saving, but it goes on and on and on. See screen grab.

It’s not my system saving.

Edit: It’s ok now.
This is really hard to troubleshoot.