Lags and latest site problems

You say logic, I say blinkered view and that is the reason out of frustration that I responded to already, as you are not objective and are turning this into a personal thing, which is kind of c___dish.

I already responded to this but you ignored it as you are trying to make associations between your science and this issue, which do not correspond.

As I said I am not going to be the target here, I suggested a very simple process for VHTV to give users to identify the problem, in your world that be a b___d test and other tests to find out and diagnose the illness.

Anyway, not my issue, not my problem anymore, I tried to honestly help and explain, but fell on deaf ears. So going to mute this thread and have some peace. :slight_smile:

Good luck all. :slight_smile:

Our site works through different servers depending on the location of the user (or VPN, if used). You can share the IP address of the US server with us, we will check that it is exactly ours. We have servers in Europe and US

Guys, guys, stop fighting, please.

I don’t think VHTV doesn’t care if a bunch of users has an access problem. At least with me I always got a response, sometimes the response was even overwhelming, live connection late in the evening for example.

Together, we are trying to get to the root of the problem, and blaming each other will not solve anything. Let everyone please take a step back. I fully understand that this causes frustration, but it is not the end of the world.

Hey everyone,

We believe we found one of, or main reason you may have experienced the problems for the past several days. I’m talking about days because the issue started on Aug 19th, it is directly related to infrastructure and, due to it’s exotic origin, it was out of our radars (read, monitoring systems) for us to detect we have a problem running. Because of how things work, this resulted in outages for some, but not all of our viewers.

Kindly asking everyone to see how the website is working for you since today. Our teams continue their work to see if we have anything else related to the streaming issues, but the stakes we fixed it already are quite high now.

At this moment on the mobile data is working like a charm.

No wonder VHTV are struggling to fix it all the b___dy experts seem to be on here :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

You don’t have to do the work, but you do have to participate in solving the problem (would help).

If you know that it is the circumflex artery, you already have 99% of the solution. But if someone comes with shortness of breath, they also need to know more. Is it overweight, intense physical activity or weak cardiovascular fitness, etc.

is it normal that I can not click on the timeline between 16:39 and 16:45 ?

That rules me out then, technophobe :rofl: should be my middle name

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So far It’s been worse than ever for me, pictures and video clips not even loading in the forum now. :man_facepalming:

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So weird, for me it is first day in a week or so when i have no issues at all. Works perfectly today.

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Ok when I first come on then 10-15 mins later goes to s__t, come out of everything and log out and start again it’s ok again then it starts all over again. 21 days of this s__t then I’m out if not fixed.

Sorry to hear that. Have you cleared all cookies and history? I know it says not recommended in Chrome, but it is worth a try. As I have professed I am no IT pro but it may be the old cookies messing with everything if they have had a big change around. I have the odd hiccup were the timeline loads after a second or two, but no where near as bad as it was. I will report further after my 4 am sesh tomorrow, fingers crossed as this afternoon it is way better. Just a thought when was the last time you rebooted your Modem and router? Maybe try that as well, won’t do any harm apart from separate the missus from social media for a few minutes if she is anything like mine :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

So it was at your end not ours, strange that! So you are going to reimburse people for their lost days by way of good will? I make that 5 days, but I know for sure that this was happening before that for some it has been 2 or more weeks. I think to snub people by not at least giving some days back will severely hurt you customer base to say the least. Especially as some of us were told it was at our end, when now by your own admission it clearly was not. I look forward to your reply.

Right now I am just getting a spinning symbol without using my VPN.

If I connect through my VPN as a Canadian IP, things seem much better. I haven’t used it enough to say what will happen after a few minutes, but there does seem to be something related to routing going on.

I don’t want to jinx it but everything working ok tonight :pray: :crossed_fingers:

Same here, really smooth and fast transitions.

Same here as well :+1:

Things are back to normal here for now… @VHTV_James please note… it was NOT OUR PROBLEM as your service team and you suggested. We are nor here to troubleshoot your issues, that’s what we pay you to do. If necessary, hire more capable Techs… job market is wide open. Obviously you consider us dumb asses, which explains a lot of the behavior (or lack thereof) around here. Next time there are issues, quit telling people to clear their cache/cookies and walk away… please? I’ll say again, hire more capable Techs or change the CIO…

That’s been happening to me for quite some time, now. With the videos, you can download them and watch them in whatever player you use. VLC is a good one.