Ksu & Nikita

Well @ToreyK the one that keeps saying that the site went low and recently it’s all about cam shows, webcammers, professionals… Seems to love this 100% cam shows, webcammers and professionals realm :joy: :joy:

He’s happy because they moan in english for show and he can understand what they are saying "yes yes… oh yes… more more… tokens tokens … you’re so big… " :joy: :joy:

And now VH is retweeting a link for Ksu twitter page so you can watch her cam on the other site. SMH.

This is becoming a porn and alternative web cam link site, no longer a Voyeur site. :man_shrugging:

Good money for advertising :money_mouth_face:

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Maybe VH have a commission from the tokens they receive for 24H cam shows sessions

VHTV does not allow advertising of webcamshows on their Twitter. If you see it report it to support. I reported it the last time they did and they said when they do it once again they will be forbidden to announce anything on VHTV Twitter anymore. As they did it again I reported them again now.

You are saying that VH will forbid VH to announce/retween on VH twitter?

The participants of places make the annoucements on the page. Not VHTV itself.

So participants have the ability to use VH twitter to retweet their own tweets?

VH is the ones who advertised it. They retweeted her personal Tweeter link cam links for her other cam site.

Yes they can do that.

When it appears on their Twitter channel it does not mean they tweeted it. Managers and participants can use the Twitter too.

Well when you think it can’t get more ridiculous, it goes another surprise :joy: :joy:

I know you and some people like you don’t like Almira, Nekohey, Amilee and Ksu & Nikita apartment…. and seriously I don’t care :smirk: so u keep making fun of them and I keep supporting them……:sweat_smile: Because I like them and the participants here are hot and beautiful :heart_eyes: if u don’t like them …. no need to keep blabbering about them here…. there are other realms u can concentrate on them…. simple…:blush:

15 posts were split to a new topic: Twitter talk

We were trying to tell you that with Bella, tell me what’s the difference? :thinking:

Yea….! After realising that I ignore that apartment….:sweat_smile: so u people can enjoy that realm and I can concentrate on other…:yum:


Donald Trump GIF

Yeah when she left the project :man_facepalming:

N u have many……:rofl::rofl:

No…. Before that… if u noticed…:upside_down_face: