I can’t find where they are broadcasting
i thought you said you didnt like the cam apartments?
Ohhh Mr @jabbath1987 i got a face palm eh Just a bit of sarcasm or ain’t you in a good mood
Ooopsie that was not my intention for that post
Forgiveness only on bended knee
Even though this has become one of my favorite apartments… well, maybe even my favorite, I still don’t know the names of the ladies.
Man… they are beautiful.
Check the wiki
Check the Wiki?
You assume that I am smarter than your average screwdriver. I just looked up in the menu and there wasn’t any linkage to anything like that. I’ll be happy to do that if you could let me have a clue as to how to do it.
Top of page click on participants - click on Realm 36 - then significant guests click on names to reveal picture of that guest
Thanks much. I’ve clicked on participants before, but only as random clicks. I don’t recall where or what I saw, but at the time, I wasn’t looking for anything in particular so didn’t lock into that as being anything special. Thanks much for the quick answer. I appreciate it.
No problem always glad to help if I can
Today’s show was another great one. Two beautiful women. My life is good when I an in realm36.
Who knows what cam sites they use?
Ksu Love was on bongacams. Now with the trio she will have another name.(couples : day subscription with dinner)
This apartment has never appealed to me, just seems to be web cammers paradise.
All show just for shows sake.