You must not understand The retweet came from VH not a participant. Only VH it self is aloud to do a retweet of a post or it would be labeled from a different user account. This came from the VH account. Just like when they post maintenance update and such.
Not right. Sorry
So you are saying you can do a repost using the VH account?
No I can’t do that.
So how can someone else do it?
You can’t. Only VHTV can.
So it came from VHTV.
These can be controlled manually via various apps and programs too.
Read the documentation of the Twitter API and you will understand…
I get that. But it still has to come from the original person or in this case company. Not some random user like a participant or manager of a realm. So it was done by VH. Or as you put it the VH bot. Still it is VH who is advertising for a different cam site.
Anyway we are getting off topic.
I don’t think Jabbs would like that.
Still nope. The bot can tweet in the name of VHTV that is right. But you do not know who has access to use the bot
Let’s see the bot or API tool as key to a car. When I give you the key to my car and you get caught speeding it was my car but not me controlling it
It’s AI. It really runs the whole site. No such person as VH-ceo. it is a bot.
VH-CEO and Jabbs are the same person
he knows all the rules
Than he is a bot.
You finally revealed my secret
Anyways I will move the Twitter talk to a new topic now
to understand when a participant wants to do for example a Twitter that suffers? this and the upload to vhtv and the account of the participant is not heard she follows vhtv and uploads there whatever she wants
Sorry I do not get what you mean.
If I am a participant in the project and I want to make a Twitter that it is known today, I will have guests when I publish it on the vhtv site, there is no account of me, the staff, how this is done
Okay got it now. Twitter as a Service offers an API (Application Programming Interface)
I can use a tool (Maybe a bot) to acces that API and tell the service what to do (In that case do a Tweet or a Re-Tweet) All I need is access to the bot which authenticates itself to the Twitter account (In that case VHTV account)
So you can tweet without having an account on your own
This also works for all services offering an API to control them. For example when VHTV had an API I could write me a tool to switch cams via my home automation. Or automatically switch to a cam with nightvision mode when I turn off the lights. Or my light switches on when cam XY is back in daylight mode
This will be as big as the I&K realm forum if this keeps up.