I said before, they are sex-workers, to not call them other things like prostitutes.
At times the IFC wanted to hang me for that, but I still say, they are paid for doing sexual things for a
public audience. And one can think what one wants to call that.
The actor thing doesn’t mean, they play another character, but they display a life-environment, that I consider is not their daily routine outside the camera-life.
If I consider the amount of personal belongings of I&K in the closet in the GBR at TJIK, I don’t think that is the average fundus of 20-year-old (or close) young people.
I think that was their working-environment where they acted for the pleasure and entertainment of paying
They only escaped that into real life on their midnight-shopping-trips or the visits to parents etc.
So I would think, in front of cameras it’s role-play, and thus one could call them actors.
Or do you think they visit M&H because they are so dear friends?
That I would have condidered possible (comined with the money-making) at MWK or would still
as far as Shana is concerned. The visit to Jirina, and oct 1st at M&H I see as full commercial staged
When Indira said good-bye to Jirina leaving Shana’s, and hugged and kissed her, I was sure that in not too long time there would be a visit at Jirina, but the way Jirina behaved when I&K left TJIK with their last things, I would not have thought, they are close friends to visit.