Indira & Kostja

Well Henry is still u_________s in bed.

I&K at K&W

I think Kostja wants to start something and Indira is not entirely opposed. She is footing his cock a little,

This could go somewhere, Z&K are gone, so normal swing swap?

Unfortunately that went nowhere, I&K took Marica and left.

Kostja tried to lift the veils,

but after all they were only waiting for Marica to get her last stuff together.

Funny was the stageplay with “…Indira…you are crazy…I love you…”

Normally the unofficial vhtv archive video sites wait 2 month after stuff happens on cam to show for free. It took them 3 weeks to upload the free video from October 1st and labeled it a 4 some

I&K are with Jirina

HAHAHAHA do you mean the pirate sites that steal and post their content?

You seem to know an awful lot about these pirate stealing sites. You wouldn’t be using them to watch VHTV content now, would you? :thinking: :sweat_smile:

They are privateer sites…Get it right. :joy: :rofl:

They have RLC content as well, so they’re an equal opportunist for what ever site you like

First and final warning to stop speaking about these pirate sites here. It is not allowed.

I don’t see any pirate sites mentioned? :roll_eyes:

It looks like if the come back, they’ll be living alone, since all their closest friends have left the project these last 2 weeks

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Probably. On the other hand, Marica may show up and so can Mikl. As to K & W we do not know yet, but I would not be totally surprised if they who up in some form sometimes soon. All this assumes that none of them get caught up into the Russian army dragnet.

Shana is still a possibility, and Carolyn could replace her with Elisha and Karel but,

Indiras last interaction with Henry, really looked like a goodbye to me!

I guess the next week we’ll see

I wonder if Zoja and Kirsten are completely out.

Z&K + I&K would be a good combo in the W&K appartment,

with great slit-lick-orgies, regardless, if Kostja wants / is invited to join.

Zoja is open to guys, so it’d have potential even without Lenny and Bruno visiting. :rofl: :rofl:

Last night Indira went to Shana and I think they talked as it looks to me about making up hair.

Since Indira had Shana do her colouring before,

I think there will be hairappointments at Shana’s.
And god knows, what happens when the hair is done.

I &K at M&H

In her fuck-at-Henry-suit :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Wonder if Karel gets his chance now, or if they wait again till everybody is gone.