Henry (Part 2)

not a chance , he loves mira to much to jepadise what he managed to save , mira will always be there to tame him down


I really hope you’re right. It’s normal Henry that mess it up but it’s seems different this time.

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, i do to , some marriages need a major bust-up to test the resolve some dont , in mira and henrys case i feel it was needed . and luckily they both came through it , stronger may i add , , i dont think we will ever see a repeat of the old times but we will be treated every now and then , but after all the great times they have given us , they deserve to stay on in vhtv untill they feel ready to leave without expectation from us lot


I genuinely hope the both of them will stay for as long they feel like it and want to themselves. The both of them truly deserve that without doubt in my humble opinion. Without saying anything about my expectations. Enough said. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :kissing_heart:


Rather telling in a way that Henry has never put her photographs back on the shelf for some reason :thinking:

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Well makes a change watching the events in an old folks home :rofl:

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New appointment tonight ?

prob gone back to same place as she went last night , and if i was to guess , trisha is at the same place to , as they both left there respective appartments roughly the same time yesterday and returned at the same time , both wore sexy new underwear , and tonight they both went through the same performance , bath sexy underwear and left about the same time

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and henrys not invited , i wonder why ??? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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And left with snoopy

mmmhh b_________y party , NO NO NO i better not go there :rofl: :rofl: probably staying out all night and knows henry might not walk the dog later on so she took him so he still gets his walkies :wink: :wink:

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:dolphin: :blossom: :dolphin:

:dolphin: :blossom: :dolphin:


Fantasien hab ihr ja, Mira wird in der selben Wohnung wohnen wie beim letzten streit und ich glaube mit der kranken Trisha wird sie sich nicht abgeben und Blamieren. Im Ăźbrigen Snoopy ist auch mit dabei.

Hello Chyna :heart_eyes: :heart:

Long time, no see, at the BCC.


Don’t get yer hopes up pal :rofl:

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He already has a visit from Chyna and Trisha! :rofl:

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How about her as a co-participant with Trisha? :sweat_smile: :rofl: :joy:

slow the fuk down mr sensible , i started my comment with the word “PROB” which is short for probably. so no it wasnt a fantasy , it was just an assumption , so take a step back into reality before you accuse me of fantiseing , forums are based on opinions , as none of us know , where or who they see when they leave the appartment :ok_hand: :ok_hand:

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Henry’s evening sorted…Trisha loves fucking him after a couple of _____s.

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Don’t think so though it would be nice, but i don’t think Chyna is really into this sort of life. She doesn’t mind the odd visit and shower etc but you won’t get anything else out of her.
She seems to have her head screwed on ok.

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