Yeah well it’s still a novelty for both of them and the immediate access to a sex life.
Nearly. Are missing Gerda’s portraits
By the way, is the portrait of the lion on the wall symbolic?
Isn’t it a portrait of Henry the Lion King?
Until the first chick he fucks shows up.
Does henry keep disappearing
Déliasser Mira pour Gerda, quelle horrible faute de goût.
He is at school for his degree
A degree in psychology then I suppose.
Absolutely agree, hopefully Henry doesn’t mess her up more than she already is. I just have a gut feeling he may just be use her as a throw away toy. I could be wrong and have been before, but it’s a feeling I can’t seem to get out of my head right now.
Well he is being fed now by his new chef
Her doing her hair red now seems a bit of a coincidence.
were they not together before…then mira came back
Mira always seems to keep coming back, mate. It is a really funny coincidence that.
Well sort of but the evening that finally kicked it all off was when Mira & Gerda were fighting over a phone and Henry gave Mira a b___dy big slap cross the face and gave Gerda the phone.
The rest is history.
But if Henry & Mira have finally split up, which i still have doubts, i think H&G may be in for a bumpy ride.
Having said all that i still think, deep down, it is all contrived between all three of them i also think Henry now is having his swan song before he finally leaves VH.
Nobody of all the existing participants wants to have sex with him now i think that is obvious.
Hence all the newbies he is trying to hunt out without any reall success so far.
Then again i may have got it all totally wrong, who the hell knows.
The analysis here is pretty accurate. Some of the elements you mention right now might turn out differently later. It is a let us wait and see.
It is impossible to predict future events hundred percent right.
@Henry you’re my best keep it up…of course there are users who don’t agree with what you do and a normal thing (however overtake and move on) as you always do…
i will not disagree…henri and mira of 5-6 years ago is not the same as the last couple of years
As I said earlier about Gerda "Talking to yourself at least you get the answers you want! "
Did henry just fetched a bottle of ■■■■ and went after her, or to a party of his own? I just wonder. This doesn’t look good- She is totally out of control !!
Heaven help us and all that come in contact with him if he would get a psychology degree