Henry (Part 2)

Gerda crying into the bathtub after walking through the realm like a caged lion.

Since she flipped a tampon on the bathroomcounter before she got into the tub, and rinsed her tummy several times, it could have to do with the monthly female “disease”.

I’d say, at least nobody gives you cheeky answers. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

The only thing missing now in this nuthouse is Mira making an entrance! :rofl:

The blond lady was there a cpl of days ago, first conisdered to be a housekeeper :laughing: :laughing:

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Henry is a sorry induvial to bring Gerda here away from the only person that tried to take care of her then have these people in here to have another woman here for his fun he is just sorry no other word for it.

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We could see all this coming so why couldn’t he? Because he thinks with his dick.
He’s just completely lost the plot.

Wouldn’t the better question be “Couldn’t he have given a s__t?”

I’m pretty sure he was well aware what could happen, i.e. what is more likely to happen.

Gerda’s already in bed and Henry couldn’t give a s__t.

I meant before he had her move in…,

and I thought you meant that too, when you mentioned, “couldn’t he have seen it like we did.”

Just sad to see. By the way Gerda has got a bandage on her arm again. This is
not the first time! Is she hurting hersef or… It was not there earlier today.

Well, that’s one thing Henry is going to have to get used to if he stays with Gerda… Condoms

looks like they might be talking about Gerda and Henry still trying to put hands on Trisha he so sorry

Trisha is not happy with the situation thats for sure. She goes back and forth
to Gerda. Du you understand any Russian?

no i don’t wish i did like to know what she is telling Henry

Of course he likes her with red hair because when he has sex with her in his mind you know who he’s seeing…Mira.

Trisha`s apartment is offline also this morning. Today technical issues. Yesterday it was
ISP problems. Henry has to start working! :rofl:

as ive said before many a time , the only person Henry thinks of is himself , he doesnt care who he uses or hurts on the way . I think that he has now ruined enough young girls lives in here and thinks that he is untoubhable even after the Hitting Mira thing . He should have been banned then . but he still keeps king of the site , but hes wrong

its to cover a fresh tattoo, like the one she had on her hand ( heart with writing inside )