Henry (Part 2)

I was just trying to underline a certain point. :hugs:

But I find it remarkable that the name of the realm is changed so quickly.

hint hint:

:rofl: :joy: :rofl: :joy: :rofl:

I have noticed Trisha coming over to Henrys once or twice during the last few days, but sadly without satisfying hit for Henry I am afraid. :hugs:

Looks like he doesn’t need it now! :smiley:

No, it does not look like it per now, that is correct. :slight_smile:

Obviously efficient VH management :wink:

His new resident shagg now :wink:

That should be fun… if Mira suddenly appears at 4am and wants her fanny washed by Henry’s tongue!

Mira will turn up. That is just the way it is. :slight_smile: :hugs:

Strange things have occurred in this realm that any of us are trying to fully comprehend and sort out in our heads (as in some others). As with all things time will tell and I always say “it’s a wait and see”.

Well she did seem to have a never ending stream of stuff to collect, where they were all kept god knows :joy:

Interesting but true way to say it. The story continues with him using women for his pleasure, both cleaning and sex

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So the fact that she lives with him is official. I doubt whether that was the right decision on her part (especially given her mood swings and excesses

Very true, i thought Alida was very good with her and her problems.
Don’t really understand her swapping apartments TBH.

Absolutely. The next collapse will not be long in coming. Because a_____l is part of the staple diet here and perhaps other substances as well. And that’s not good for Gerda

Her behavior is not the natural behavior of a balanced person. This suggests possible problems that may arise at any time.
Is Henry looking to get a psychology degree?

But she does look happy when he’s around