Henry, Mira (Part 4)

was i right or was i right


shelby turned up at mira’s flat

Good to see her leave, imagine the hell it must be living with Drunky who can’t take no for an answer.

and all alone even

its only tempoary whilst mira is away for a few days . then she will be back with the great and wonderfull Henry :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


or not. who knows what’s going on.

If it was temporary, why did they change the name of the realm to Henry and Shelby? :face_with_monocle: Usually if members go to other members for a short visit they don’t change the realm’s name…

Shana must be back for a ride on henry’s chopper


maybe someone is in contact with Henry , and that person might get snippets of advanced imformation . now theres a quandary to ponder on :thinking: :thinking: :rofl: :rofl:

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She’s coming back most likely

if you read my comment properly ,.i stated that shelby will only sstay temporary at miras , not henrys :crazy_face:

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most likely .??? dont you mean most deffinately

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Shelby deserve way better than henry s. He was a real pain in the ass this morning. Today i see her as one of the hotties of the site. I really like her.


I always back my horses each way :joy:

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Speak only for yourself…

she works for henry , she is a pawn piece to be used as clickbait , its just nice to see hotties working for henry again instead of the paint and ink warrior girls :thinking: :thinking: :thinking:


In wich basis do you say that?

The interesting thing would be if she stayed to live with Mira :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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10 years of following these vouyer type sites + 10 years forum activity coupled that with insider knowledge , . think you get the picture :wink:

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