Henry, Mira (Part 4)

in your fantasy yes - probability zero :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Are Jutta and Shana “babysitting” Henry and Snoopy today? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :yum:

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Well, they have to take care of him, because if he starts vomiting, he might suffocate.

is he still dr*nk?

Henri’s life on the cams would make a good book-length biography:
I’ve followed him since his marriage to Mira.
The apartms, the plot, the women, the friends, the fights… a full life.



shelby her name was taken out of henry’s flat


The sun is rising, this girl is simply an asset :heart_eyes: :sun_with_face:


her name’s now added to mira’s

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Henri did well to remove her name and keep it on the site for those who like her…
Despising Henri and fucking two unknown guys is too much…
an intelligent girl doesn’t hit the manager when he wants to touch her, she discreetly changes places and Henri realizes…
Take Anny for example.

It’s funny how you criticize others for not respecting Henry and you keep calling him Henri, which is even more disrespectful not calling people by their proper name than the incidents you keep mentioning.

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Isn’t Henri just the French form of Henry?

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Yes, I know, but a name must be spelled correctly, otherwise misunderstandings can occur. And if you want to play the role of the great protector of Henry, you should also spell his name correctly when you’re slandering everyone else in the same context.

what are you eating. shelby has made it clear a few times that she doesn’t want to be grabbed by henry. but henry doesn’t take no for an answer and that’s when she put up a fight.


Agree. But I am not protecting Henry at all…

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Henry doesn’t need protecting Henry could not give a fuck what anybody on this forum say’s about him he just has a good laugh reading the haters posts when he’s taking a shit :joy:

yes added to miras not replaced miras .could it be mira is away for sometime like 2 weeks or more and wouldnt it be common sense to put shelbys name on the appartment untill mira returns maybe after that shelby will get her own appartment or return to henrys , but if im being honest ,i would prefer her in her own place , its called good housekeeping on VHTV s part , :+1:


As someone said here:
Opinions are like asses, everyone has their own, and they should be respected.


thats correct ,although sometimes opinions are misinterpreted and can cause friction just through neglignce of understading , The art of dealing with any form of negativity is to ignore it and not retaliate , One critical aspect of online forum etiquette is avoiding personal attacks or derogatory language directed toward others. The anonymity provided by the internet can sometimes make individuals forgetful about how they’re presenting themselves to others online, leading them to behave rudely or aggressively. It’s essential always to engage with decorum when communicating with other users so as not to sour rapport before meaningful discourse takes place.
Maintaining a positive tone in written communication will go a long way toward keeping conversations productive and respectful on an online forum platform.*Whether you agree or disagree strongly with someone else’s views, phrase any criticism constructively while remaining civil and polite throughout the exchange. A commitment to posting only honest statements on hot-button issues helps avoid group think conditions among community participants where certain voices tend not even necessarily hears out equally simply because they are viewed unfavourably regarding opinion differences- eliminating them from getting real opportunities for engagement . sometimes members get lost in there ways unintenionally and forget forum decorum , thus the option to flag a post and then a community admin will decide if a comment as broke any rules .sorry for the long post got carried away whilst having my breakfast , have a great day :hugs: :hugs: