Henry, Mira (Part 4)

we would say yes

Yes, it seems a bit strange considering that her name has just been set as a participant in this realm.

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really hoping she moves in with someone else and not leaving totally

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probably going to miras as it looks like mira will be away for a few days ,and henry needs to keep miras realm open to earn from it . so who better to go there temporary than Shelby


I hope she will go at mira (it seems really clean and somehow empty there right now) or another realm

Shelby’s moving house

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Is there a reason why you don’t like any of the women Henry socializes with?

the other girls seem to be helping her. while Henry sleeps in the other room

your to slow . need to update your commadore 64 to something a little faster , you always give us 2nd hand info :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Is she leaving for good? or just a move to another apartment

I’m washing the ribs down with a fine bottle of Irish whiskey that might have something to do wit it :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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sorry got *you in my crosshairs tonight , :crazy_face: :crazy_face: so dont break cover or your done for :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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more than likely going over to stay at miras whilst mira is away, we will soon know :wink:

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Awkward Red-Faced GIF by moodman
:rofl: :rofl:


did you see how they dragged Henri into the bedroom?
espite being ■■■■■, he deserves even more respect

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he was in the ferkin way and they needed space on the couch , and he was pissed so they could of dragged him by the cock and he would of been none the wiser :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


think we need a seperate topic just for the drama queens to vent there frustration , :thinking: :thinking: :thinking:


I’m sure he’s happy with the money they made for him after they moved him and has subsequently thanked them for it.


I hope so because she’s a great girl

I think it’s enough to get her out of this apartment…