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THat was funny :rofl:

Aye bi thu wy its lookn thur heeds aw foo i mins wi tryn tae wurk it oot. Weel thur heeds foo o mins oniwy goan wi thu pish cumin oot o thur moofs. :rofl: :joy:

Fuck me he’s back again with that bollocks. Hey pal you wanna lay off that scottish juice i think :rofl:

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Gun Shoot GIF by BrownSugarApp

is he dead yet

Put that in google and it said fuck off you twat.
Google translate just froze up :rofl:

D’you know, even reading it out loud with a Sottish accent (well sort of), I can’t figure it out! :laughing:

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Well try using a Scottish accent it may work better. :+1: :rofl:

Thanks Dave mk 2 lol

I did (try at least) but nope didn’t help! All jokes aside though, I do find regional dialects (including the one you guys are using) rather interesting.

I don’t know if you realise in your previous comment you said Sottish & not Scottish, this is what I was joking about.

Its his lisp Shhhhh its personal :shushing_face:

I assume YOURS is the Scottish one then! :laughing: I wonder which part of the country (or indeed which country) a ‘sottish’ one comes from! lol

Tim buck Too

Hi David, ask Rob to give you an example of his local accent, you think we’re bad wait till you hear his gobbldeygook​:blush::+1:

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Anyone from Ex YU ?

No, no I really don’t! As (I think…I can’t quite remember now) I said , I love regional dialects and accents. :slight_smile:

Hi David, we’re just messing, you’ll get use to me, Rob, Justy Boy and Let’s joking around, slagging each other off or having a go at Jabs it’s just for a laugh so don’t let it bother you. :+1:

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I sense that every time I read (and - in reference again to your use of a region dialect - try to understand!!! :laughing: ) what you two guys say! It’s all good fun and I realise that. :slight_smile:

Bastard :roll_eyes::+1: