Giveaway topic went full chat

Now Now LADYS its on cam and pussys at dawn if you keep this up


Has there been a payout yet?

Sorry, can’t really follow you logic.

VHTV has a tendency to come of up with ideas and then not see them through. I figured this out early on when they were planning to create a gay site. They were all gun ho and tried to get input from us and we gave it only for them to vanish and drop the whole thing like a tin can in the garbage. Yeah, I think this one will be kind of like that. Poof :boom:

Yes, what happened to that?
The Tea Reaction GIF by MOODMAN

Anyone from england?

Unfortunately yes. :rofl: :joy: :rofl:

Brit here loud and proud

no way lol GIF by wolfmask

Anyone from the old Penal colony or the old slave trade nation USof A, :rofl: lets get nasty !

Hazard hard hats will become the norm in this forum
grace helbig tongue GIF by This Might Get

Yes, England here! :slight_smile:

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Thank god im not alone

Nope, you are not alone :wink:

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Yes I am :+1::+1::england:🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿

We BRITS bring sanity , comfort ,chaos , dirt, to add to the grim rooms on VHTV :shushing_face:

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What’s the significance of the black flags? Or are they dark red?

british GIF

he got lazy looking for flags

:uk: Here’s another but yours is better:)

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