Flora (Part 1)

No, that is an official account. If she’s posting more or less often, it’s entirely up to her

This applies to Trisha as well

It HAS come to an end! How many times do you have to READ ( reading is fundamental) why she is now called Trisha! That’s ALL you need to know! it’s OVER, DONE!

De mon avis la solution la plus simple est que la participante en question mette fin définitivement a cette discussion stérile … un post juste pour dire désormais mon nom est untel… ne lui prendrait que quelques secondes… Pourquoi ne le fait elle pas???

Just for my understanding, How do the names we use for the participants relate to their legal paperwork, that makes no sense to me!

I thought they kept the real names secret to protect them from outside interference.

Isn’t that the same thing regarding their locations?

So why do others keep cluttering the topics with this s__te :poop:

I have accepted her as Trisha, it is others that just can’t let it go! :man_facepalming:
And that drives me to the point of having to respond!

:heart_eyes: :heart: :heart_eyes:




Flora j’aimerais que vous admettiez que depuis bientôt 2 heures celle qui fait le spectacle c’est cette fille aux cheveux roses autrefois appelé Faye et pas vous… un moment donné vaut savoir accepter que la concurrence est plus forte… surtout si on l’invite chez soi.

Really, wow, must have missed that then :laughing:

Really, what’s in a name eh :laughing:

Excuse me…you said others!? Yes, you and others! Ok I’m done…sooo fucking done!

another “moments operator” letting the power get to their head.

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Another one of my ‘just because’ images…


David, did you watch the video I posted a little above? There’s also a short scene included for your taste… :wink:

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Quel rapport avec le sujet???

Ah yes…

I must admit, I overlooked it initially as the still image it shows when not playing, didn’t really grab my attention (no offence intended to you or either of the 2 ladies).

Having watched it now though, the 44 seconds (approximately) I had to wait for Dennis to appear was worth it. Very amusing! :slight_smile:

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if you check it’s a comment in response to …

OK, new topic:

Any idea what the pattern is, on Dennis’s pants?

This MAY or MAY NOT have been the only reason I decided to post the picture! :laughing: