Flora (Part 1)

I made it a bit bigger, but what it could be…no idea…

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I have conducted an deep and very serious investigation and what at first glance seemed to be a MOON shape, turned out to actually be CHILLY PEPPERS :hugs:

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Oh so they are, I can see that now!

Well OK, that’s THAT topic done!

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I also first thought of moon, then bananas, but I didn’t think of chilli peppers… :joy: :joy:

I hope i haven’t ruined too fast, but if i did, i can only post a pic for you as an apology :hugs:

Ok, maybe two :hugs: :blush: :innocent:


No apology needed…nothing ruined.

Awesome pictures! :hugs:


sounds like trisha is not too happy with the guy in the shorts. shes wants him but he isnt into her :grinning: :grinning: :grinning: :grinning: :grinning:


oe for the boysn


those peppers really burned him…

Thank you for posting this. I must admit, I quite enjoyed watching it as it was happening live. :slight_smile:

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However, Trisha has been with Isidor the entire time they have been guests at Queen. Also, Trisha is on her red days, so nothing works for her anyway… :wink:

Welcome to our select club :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :hugs: :innocent:

But I don’t keep a book about it. I saw it earlier when she was in the toilet… :smiling_face: :joy: :joy: :joy:

There seems to have been a mass exodus from the building. I went to check on Dennis to see if he was still naked…and there he was, gone - along with everyone else.

There one minute, gone the next!

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Ohh Yes, off course you did, is the same for us as well, don’t worry about it, we don’t say a word… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Ohh i forgot, when i was investigating Dennis undies, i came across this image, and seems that we need to wait a little bit more for the first pregnancy :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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yes, I already saw that this afternoon… now it’s easier for the bookkeeping too. So Flora and Trisha have their red days at the same time… :joy: :joy: :joy:

There you go, see how easy it is :wink: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :hugs: :innocent:

I am so glad I am not the only one who does this! :laughing:

Maybe another “select club” in the making? :thinking: :laughing:

No, seriously, I understood the context of the comment, based on the earlier conversation about the boxers. :innocent:

And something else that got my attention…Trisha was wearing Karina’s jacket :wink:

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then K&K might have nested in the new apartment…