…that contagious yawning is real and is caused by echophenomena, which is the automatic imitation of an action.
It even works via long distance video call
… that the tumbleweed, known from many Westerns, does not come from America, but was introduced as an invasive species, probably with flax deliveries?
From Wikipedia:
Kali tragus is a species of flowering plant in the family Amaranthaceae. It is known by various common names such as prickly Russian thistle, windwitch, or common saltwort. It is widely known simply as tumbleweed because in many regions of the United States, it is the most common and most conspicuous plant species that produces tumbleweeds.
Kali tragus has proven to be highly invasive as an introduced species and rapidly became a common ruderal weed of disturbed habitats in many regions of North America, particularly in the Midwest. The species also has become naturalized in various regions of Central and South America and in parts of Southern Africa and Australia. It now occupies a wide variety of habitat types in those regions and often is the first or even the only colonizer in conditions where no local species can compete successfully. Because of its preference for sand and its tolerance of salinity, it commonly grows along sea beaches as well as in disturbed grassland and desert communities, especially in semiarid regions.
Thank you for another informative post. As the saying goes everyday is a school day
I just found out about this on a TV quiz show, and because Tumbleweed likes to roll through some apartments and topics here, I found this information quite fitting
… that besides having quite strict laws on a_____l the USA national anthems (The star bangled banner) melody is inherited from a _____ing song called “To Anacreon in heaven”
…that for every human in the world, there are one million ants. That’s 8,000,000,000 with six more zeroes after it.
Wow, i really wanted to know that pal
Did you know ? that if you jumped from an aeroplane at 30,010 feet exactly without a parachute and came down head first all the way that the build up of static energy on the tip of your head will be enough to cause a mini f___e field at the exact same time as your head touching the earth ,thus flippping you onto your feet ,so you can then walk away uns__thed , of course this as never been verified as of yet , so it should remain a possibility
…that the well-known Nike slogan “Just Do It” is inspred by American m____rer Gary Gilmore’s last words before he was executed. He said “Let’s do it”
Now imagine if VHTV had existed back then, and that the man behind the idea for the slogan had been a subscriber. Then perhaps the slogan would have been “Just Do This”
Well, I have a socalled variant slogan as an alternative to that. How about: “Just simply make sure to do it, eh?” That would fit perfectly within this exact category.
My guess is that you don’t work in advertising, cause that was rather long to be a good slogan. Remember, keep it short and snappy.
Like the old classic…
Tiden går…Gjensidige består!
Sorry all English speakers, just some joking between two fellow countrymen. This is an old slogan for a Norwegian insurance company.
Ja, jeg er klar over det. Jeg kjenner godt til Gjensidige, ja. It was my twisted ugly head which came up with that alternative slogan there. I am sorry. My head is just wired that way and will always be wired that way. Can`t help it. You just literally have to live with it and bear it with me.
Come on, don’t sell yourself short there. That’s not you at all…allthough you may go a little bit off the rails now and then
Well, I am truly straight forwardly honest, you have to give me that. Take me or leave me. As simple as that.
heres one ! were we can laugh at the turnips amongst us ( @GladNGrumpy & @Tyrese69961 ) there are more but cannot remember there names
get tagging if you know of others
Ha ha, that is actually true, I remember it well. The movie was deemed blasphemous. It raised one hell of a debate, and the ban lasted for about a year, when the movie finally was let loose on us poor and innocent Norwegians, that is if you were 18+ of age.
Then yours truly went to the movies
Off the top of my head I only remember two, @Noldus and @Alek228242. I reckon not enough to set sails for Lindisfarne for the second time then. Although this time we would come to party, so who knows
…that when the move Monty Python’s Life of Brian was banned in Norway in 1980 due to blasphemy, it was the first time since 1934 this law had been enf___ed, when the theatre play Guds grønne enger (The Green Fields of God) was banned.