Yes, I do know that. (I read a lot. )
I did not know that such a gadget like that existed either. So there you go. I most probably should have known.
I have a small music centre with a multi CD player, double cassette player and radio where i can record a cassette straight onto a CD disc. Has proved very useful.
Sounds very good and useful. Good man.
For example I have actually a VHS player with a VHS onto CD and DVD converting format. Proves very useful when I want to exploit it.
…that in late 2015, a French perfume company came out with a product that smelled like dead people…literally. For $600, a consumer could purchase a custom made perfume that has the distinct smell of a passed love one. The company developed a method of extracting the scent of a person from their clothing or belongings. They would then bottle up the scent and make it a perfume.
…that Netflix was originally named Kibble. "We were concerned about building a service that looked good, but that nobody wanted to use. So, we chose Kibble to remind us of the old advertising adage that “It doesn’t matter how good your dog food advertising campaign is, if the dogs won’t eat the dog food”.
Considering the many 10s of 1000s of posts in the forum, I’m surprised it’s only 15. But, yours is the funniest! You should also post that in Funny’s and Jokes, if you haven’t already.
…that if you read in bed, you are a librocubicularist, which is just a fancy, seven syllable word for someone who reads in bed.
And, sesquipedalian is a six syllable word used to describe other words with many syllables, such as librocubicularist.
…that a dog’s nose print is similar to the fingerprint of a person? They are alike in that no two are the same.
Just like a fingerprint is unique to each person, a nose print is unique to each canine. A dog can be identified by its nose print.
But my dog has no nose!
So how does he smell?
…that the girl in this gif is Norwegian pop singer Sigrid?
PS: If this is not the most useless piece of information in this topic so far, I’ll be damned
Even though I know her name very well, I have barely heard her sing other than on the radio. I am sorry.
Not useless to me. I didn’t know.
She is pretty well known in Norway. Her name is Sigrid Solbakk Raabe. Singer and songwriter. Just uses the name Sigrid as an artist.
Thanks for the info. Much appreciated.
You are very welcome. My pleasure.
Well, there you go. To add a little to what @Tyrese69961 said, Sigrid’s had some international success too. She has toured in most of Europe and in the US. In addition, she has appeared on the biggest festivals in the UK, where her debut album peaked as high as number 4 in the album charts,
That information is of course very complementary to my type of information. She has had a remarkable international success also then obviously.