Did (Do) You Know

… that the name Canola (from Canola Oil) is an acronym. Ever wonder what it stands for? Of course you have. It stands for Canada Oil, Low Acid.


…that the Germans have a word for someone that needs a good punch in the face. That word is BACKPFEIFENGESICHT.

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…Major League Baseball Hall of Famer Babe Ruth kept a chilled cabbage leaf under his ballcap during a game. He did this as a way to keep cool, changing the leaf every couple of innings.

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…what’s the most commonly used noun in the English language? Of course you have! The answer to this question is the word “time”.

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… that before they called it Google, co-founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin were using the name “Backrub” for their newfound search engine.

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… that Volkswagen own Porsche! Not only is VW the parent company for the 911 Porsche, it is also the parent company for Audi, Lamborghini, and the Bentley.

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…That the rhinoceros beetle is a STRONG insect. It’s so strong that it can lift 850 times its own body weight. For comparison, this would be equivalent to a human lifting a 65 ton object.

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…If you suffer from the desire to strip or take your clothes off in public, then you suffer from a condition known as Apodysophilia.

Note: I don’t think that’s really suffering.


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…what Abulia is? Abulia is when you just can’t decide. It’s the inability to make decisions.

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… that a “Ubiquitous Gaze” is an art technique used by artists when creating/drawing/painting a portrait. This technique makes it look like the subject is looking at you, no matter what angle you are viewing the artwork.


…If you’ve ever seen a Rolls-Royce or seen a picture of one, you know what ‘the spirit of ecstasy’ is. It is the ornament that can be found at the front of all Rolls-Royces. It is a woman leaning forward while extending her arms behind her.

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… that Deja-Vu is the feeling of having been in a specific situation or setting before. Jamais-Vu is the reverse. It is the feeling of seeing or sensing something for the first time, despite knowing that it’s not the first time.

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… that a fluffle is what you call a group or collection of bunnies. Also, a male rabbit is called a buck.

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Please add your own.

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… there is a town in rural NSW Australia called, wait for it…


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…What is a spaghetto? A spaghetto is what you call a single strand of spaghetti. And now you know.

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if you already start with acronyms:
…that haribo, the company with the famous goldbear, is made up of the initials of the company founder, Johannes “Hans” Riegel, and the founding location, Bonn

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…that Adidas is named after the founder Adolf “AdiDassler. together with his brother Rudolf he founded the company about 100 years ago.

after the war, however, the brothers fell out. their ways parted and rudolf founded his own company and, in competition with his brother, also produced sporting goods.
the name of his company: Puma

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Also the two entwined "R"s in the hubcaps are perfectly weighted so they are always pefectly straight no matter how fast the wheel will turn.

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Allergy sufferers know it, but I keep finding that it is not generally known:
…that peanuts belong to the peas and not to the nuts?
This is recognizable in English, the German term is ‘Erdnuss’ (literally earth nut, because of the underground growth), there the relationship to the peas is not recognizable

strawberries, on the other hand, are not berries at all, but nuts (belong to the so-called aggregate nuts, the actual fruits are the small black dots)

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