Bullies and Hypocrites

@VHTV_James very funny (but not really based on some of the a___e on the realms) so you can ban people but not monitor them.

@VHTV_James what you mean the same to your response at what happened at Cooper and Charlize apartment “YOUR MOOD, USUALLY”

Please provide more context for me to re-view (?) what you are talking about.

Monitor? Monitoring is a very time-consuming thing to do. I prefer to weight cost to return ratio, and it seems obvious to me it’s cheaper to get rid of the disrupting factor, than trying to deal with it.
My experience shows there is a perfect balance of monitoring to ban ratio we keep here. Am I blind? May be. If you decide to stay, so buckle up, because there will be just me watching over this place for now and…

dis gon b gud this is gonna be good GIF

@VHTV_James it is your site (not mine or anyone’s else) look back over the comments ref Cooper and Charlize, I assume one of the most commented realms for VHTV ref what happened, YOUR MOOD USUALLY they r__ed someone and all you did was an a_____l ban - good punishment
My point is if you can ban someone what is is based on, I assume what has been said so you are monitoring when it suits you. You do not ban someone for nothing. Take at a look at the comments at @ Ariela and Sebastian a couple who continually engage with us but suffer a___e from some people yet nothing happens. Do do nothing means nothing will change and the same comments will keep appearing

Yet another version of you?! You are now a FEMALE pink angel with scary eyes?

So speaking about bullies i would like to know why the fuck i’m getting s__t at me for no reason comment here i can’t message jamesdean so i want to try and sort this out this s__t has been brought up by two members who have a problem with me. I was just going about my daily posts when this comment was made out of the blue.

are you being serious? grow up theres no a___e or anything

I see no real s__tting at you here, tbh. But it is a slightly provoking message which is only up to you to get provoked or not. Be wiser and just put people who irritate you on ignore list.


But it’s mentioned by two members in the last few days i want to address it because it keeps coming up. One of them is already on my ignore and the other i can’t message them.

I want to know why you made the comment because there seems to be an issue why members are bringing it up.

you keep moaning about cameras in multiple topics and people have picked up on it but its not that serious bro.

I sometimes post pictures and mention it yes but what extreme about that that in the last few days it’s been mentioned against me. If a camera isn’t loading i post it and Jabs normally asks did i do a ticket sometimes he has done sometimes not. I just don’t understand why this is been used against me that all. If it won’t be you then in a few days it will be someone else. I just want it addressed one and for all.
About moaning then i won’t bother posting anymore if members feel like i’m upsetting them that it can be used against me in future days or weeks.

I’d rather discuss anything in relation to improving cameras and the quality of the content served than trying to deal with translation errors in a lucky company of participant’s fans and user-to-user known haters.


just post what you want but some advice you are better off reporting to support if you are unhappy about a camera. If a guest covers a camera i would wait a bit before reporting to support to give a chance for them to realize so they do not get fined

Some people do not like it if we say something about misplaced, covered or not working cams. That is why I do no longer post if I did a ticket or not. It is not worth the discussion after it.

Ok thanks will take what you said on board but i have reported to support about cameras i post in the topics as well to see did anyone do a ticket but will be more careful in future. Hope we are all gone now.

Ok thanks didn’t know everyone was been getting upset about it.

Happened a lot in the past. People voting thumbs down or calling out on you because you reported something to support.

Ok well let’s just leave then before we upset them again. Seems like i know camera talk is a banned subject here now. Thanks for letting me know i won’t bother again mentioning anything. I just hope it’s not going to be aimed at me again in a few days when i just post a random post. So to everyone i’m sorry if i’ve been upsetting you.

You can PM me anytime if you want to do camera talk. I still think it is important… :wink: