Bullies and Hypocrites

A while back I made a topic called “let down” and in my opinion was honest but I was attacked by a group who I called out as bullies and funny when you look at other realms, i,e Henry hidden room ,Vegas, Yan, I could go on. Only one said sorry which made me think I was correct. Since then I have watched @Eliseo21730, @MickTaylor & @ToreyK be called out as trolls. Whilst I might not agree with all they comments they make the way they are attacked by the same people is d______eful when the bullies can say what they want with no punishment by @VHTV_James and then they get banned and especially when one of these is a moments operator who can say what he/they likes without any issues. Really looking forward to the replies by those I think are bullies. you know who you are

Wait…. :sweat_smile: soon those hypocrites and bullies will like your topic :joy:

I don’t expect everyone to like what I say, but please don’t attack me or I will fight back.

Nothing will change here it will be same always it’s pointless to talk about it… I asked vhtv to provide solutions against these hatred or atleast add option in flagged system so next time when someone make fun of realm or participants viewers can flagged them and forum can be peaceful and free from these trollers who go to realms and say bad words to them…
But u know i did many flagged to bad words of those people… but look like they have a good realm with vhtv so they did nothing….
U r talking about Moderator :sweat_smile: this is his kingdom where he rule one who support him are safe one who go against him get beaten and bullied…. And u know what sad part no one will support u
When things go out of track u get suspended
I think it was always like this…. I don’t much about @Amy but someone wrote that he raised voice against them for a long time…. But nothing change….! :smirk: and I think nothing will be…!!

As i said we don’t have to agree with what everyone one says, but when it becomes personnel like with me and they gang up on you they cross a line which is unacceptable and these people need to understand that

Appreciate the comments :pray:


I’ve been criticized on here recently for defending Flora somebody flagged the post and I thank you whoever done it I wasn’t going to respond cause I’m not that guy to start drama I’m not here for that reason everybody knows why I’m on here I just don’t get it I’ve been nice to everybody that I talk to on here and I just post how I feel at that time I get it some ppl won’t like what I post
I will always stand up what I believe is right for VHTV as a whole including participants I will continue to spread love and join the fun conversations
Peace and love :v::heart:


Wasnt u the 1 that for some unknown reason called me a w####?

Well with the post u just posted any1 can see u trying to start some drama! Pacer colts fan dont u ever get tired of supporting loser sports teams?

Just because u might live where the teams are in u dont have to name yourself after those losers, why put those names in ur name? They r losers , why u bragging? Colts suck , pacers suck

Dear Community,

I listen to your sentiment in regards to this place on a regular basis, and yet again I see people fighting each other. No matter what the reasons are (I sincerely would like to give zero fucks about the reasons), the reason of this happening is because people provoke each other and fall for provocations towards them too. These people stuck in the loop, and the longer it remains like this, the more poor souls get sucked in these muddy waters. This is not a message to anybody in particular. It is a yet another and certainly close to final call towards keeping your sanity.

I suggest to start ousting community members who introduce disruption, decided by community majority, with additional voice weight(s) applied to current trust level.

Nobody from VHTV Team is happy with moderating it when this simply does not stop. You help nobody by poking each other.

the office rage GIF


Sorry but this line again will kick out good members also when these trust level users misuse their power

You have already kind of tried that with the bans issued, nothing is stopping people creating new accounts, no point ousting people if they can come straight back

I already suggested about flagging system so that system can check and make decision according to it…. But if u give power to members then ofcourse they will misuse it like before

Everybody who doesn’t comprehend that the majority wishes them out will go out. There are far less TL users in quantity compared to overall active users at the Forum. The truth is out there somewhere for everybody to decide.

Let’s try and enf___e it now?

The Grinch Smiling GIF by The Good Films

What is your suggestion here, again? I might have missed it.

Whenever I flagged abusive words of some members they never get hidden and when TL3 or TL4 members flagged it get quickly hidden…

Still many abusive and hate words are on forum…

So ofcourse those TL members and leaders will misuse their power in future also…

Don’t give more powers to them otherwise good viewers will not survive on forum in future

It takes more than one user flagging a post for it to be hidden.

Not true one flag from a TL4 member will hide a post.

**I guess I was wrong in this assumption, my apologies.

A possible solution as i can see it, will be that the Ignore function to be total, no more “view hidden reply” and also no reactions from the members on Ignore to be seen.

Basically, the forum member put on Ignore to not “exist” anymore