Ariela & Sebastian (Part 1)

Why is it difficult for people to understand that Ariela & Sebastian have stated a few times before that they do not want the information about their adult careers not linked with the project discussed here in the public forum.

I can appreciate that some people like to see more of them but I think the point A&S are aiming for is partly to see the more legit them and less of the fantasy portrayed in videos, their are those who also try to use the material as a weapon.

So instead of worrying or caring about they are doing beyond the apartment, we should be enjoying what they are doing on this project.


Well said :clap:
Great Job Reaction GIF

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ariela love her panties, went out with black ones on, returned with red lace ones on then went to bedroom and changed back into black ones again, how lovely is that

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Ok soit elle a achetĂ© des sous vĂȘtements et les a gardĂ© sur elle soit je sais pas elle va peut ĂȘtre nous donner l’explication

@Kristian175775 and @Toby112717

What you think about this woman’s underwear
 :joy: :joy: :joy:

Don’t you really have anything better to do than worry about this? :sweat_smile:

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What are YOU here for???

I’m here to look at the participants. But I respect their privacy and I don’t care what they do outside of their homes, nor do I discuss it with other people here on the forums.

You are also the person who sends users threats in PM’s if they give your comment a facepalm

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so what ? :thinking: Je ne vois aucune menace dans ce message
 ou alors, nous n’avons pas la mĂȘme dĂ©finition du sens ‘‘menace’’.
Sauf à consider que de te mettre un face palm est une menace

Alors j’ai dĂ» menacer la moitiĂ© de ce forum ! :rofl:

Their lives outside of their house is definitly private, but sure would love to know her stage name if she was working.


How else do you interpret “Better watch out next time”

There is a whole forum topic dedicated to those types of things here.

non? SĂ©rieux? cette phrase est une menace pour toi. est-ce qu’il a menacĂ© de te blesser, de te casser une jambe, de te tuer (pourquoi pas
). Vous ne vous connaissez mĂȘme pas et tu ne vas sĂ»rement jamais le rencontrer. Alors, calmes-toi mon ami. Que des paroles.
Peut-ĂȘtre voulez-dil sius-entendre : la prochaine fois : arrĂȘtes de raconter des conneries.
Si tu prends sa phrase ainsi, bah tu ne dois pas sortir souvent le soir dans la rue

moi, c’est ainsi que je l’ai intĂ©rprĂ©tĂ©. Tu me sembles trĂšs sensible, garçon

You are missing the point

Now let’s get back on topic now shall we. :point_down:

Have you ever heard the phrase “The pen is mightier than the sword”

What does it mean when someone says the pen is mightier than a sword?

said to emphasize that thinking and writing have more influence on people and events than the use of f___e or violence.

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boobs :heart_eyes:


being called a tramp and all sorts of other abusive names is not really criticism is it she has every right to call those sad people out and put them in their place

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Non sono tristi le persone che criticano come dice lei ma Ú piu triste chi la difende perché non pensa al suo bene ma solo al suo culo e alle sue tette . Ci pensano anche gli altri ma accanto probabilmente cercano di capire anche Ariela come persona e non solo come oggetto sessuale .

you better take a shower, my friend !
Tu commences Ă  ĂȘtre un peu trop obsĂ©dĂ© par elle. :wink:

In Russian, the word “tramp” does not mean ANYTHING offensive :person_shrugging: So I didn’t pay attention to it) And everything that is said on the forum has absolutely no effect on our life :sweat_smile::hibiscus: