Ariela & Sebastian (Part 1)

In my opinion, the most hygienic thing for a participant is not to read the forum.

There are many adequate and pleasant people with whom we are always happy to talk :smiling_face: And we don’t concentrate on the rest, but answer such people only if we are bored :sweat_smile:


How paradoxical it all is is shown by the fact that people come to VHTV
 to moralize the residents.

It’s like explaining what education is to c___dren in the middle of kindergarten, while jerking your dick.

S___ping beauty :heart: :heart_eyes: :heart:


number one girl :heart_eyes:


Roger is on fire tonight :rabbit2: :rabbit: :fire:


:heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:

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seb do not want that ass but those 2 guys do

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Ce soir des 2 invitĂ©s qui aura Ariela j’espĂšre les 2 pour notre plaisir Sebastian est parti se coucher lui il travaille demain

seb went to bed because he will surely get up early tomorrow to work

Un petit cĂąlin et elle rejoint les invitĂ©s toujours le mĂȘme scĂ©nario

Mais cette fois 2 invités quel spectacle nous attend

everyone is free to think as they want however if you don’t like it there are many other apartments you can look at that maybe for you are better than this one


Tout le contraire j’adore j’attends impatiemment la suite espĂ©rant un trio avec les 2 invites

But her pussy ain’t free

I love Ariela, everything about her. Question is, why does she have the open relationship and Sebastian gets jacked? He needs to import a couple of hotties and level things out a bit.


Pas de trio pour ce soir elle raccompagne un invitĂ© vivement son retour pour un peu de sexe avec l’autre

the two boys want to have each other?

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she should have took both of them on there.

where is she going
 one at a time?