Ariela & Sebastian (Part 1)

Se le persone ci criticano, significa solo che quelle persone sono molto tristi e insoddisfatte della loro vita. Facciamo quello che ci piace) Se vuoi che qualcuno faccia quello che TI piace, prendi degli schiavi o una prostituta))):innocent::smiling_face:


pure in italiano :wink:


Ariela se ci si espone in pubblico bisogna saper prendere anche delle critiche in maniera costruttiva non solo in maniera difensiva . Hai scelto tu le telecamere non te lo ha imposto nessuno . Coindividi situazioni che piacciono e altre che sono soggette a critiche . Ripeto Ú una tua scelta . Se la gente critica non Ú triste guarda le telecamere per curiosità e quello che non gli torna lo dice . È cosi e basta

i hate that ariela is upset about something i hope all is ok

What makes you think i give a s__t what you say?

Je pense que le message de Tony qui n’est plus actif et qui montrait ses autres activitĂ©s extĂ©rieures la mise en colĂšre ce matin et qu’elle a contactĂ© longuement Vhtv ce matin Ă  ce sujet

Quand on a ce type d’activitĂ© mĂȘme sous diffĂ©rents pseudo je pense qu’il faut assumer ce qu’elle a l’air de ne pas faire

big ((((( HUG ))))) for ariela

she told me that it was not her when we clearly recognize ariala and sebastien I had to delete the message she does not affirm what she is doing in a fairy world

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Hello Sexy!!!


Questo Ăš il risultato di come si comporta . Dovrebbe riflettere su cio che mostra alla gente , purtroppo come gli ho scritto Ăš piu attenta a difendersi che a riflettere su cio che fa .

I don’t understand it completely either, but I’d guess the fuzz was not about the nature of the material you posted or the morality of it. Because it really isn’t that much different from what we get to see here on VHTV on a daily basis. Although the image quality is significantly better.

I think it’s more about the taboo of posting personal information about the participants. And information about your job is personal information. You have to assume that for the employer as well as the employee it is not OK to have details of that employment relationship posted in a forum such as this. Even if the work is similar in nature to the participant’s VHTV activities.

Does anyone have some more insight about this aspect of forum etiquette?

I have a better interpretation, based on an old saying:

Behind a good horse, the dust rises.

I hope everyone understands.


she doesn’t assume what she did she maintains that it’s not her so we assume who we are there was no harm in this sharing afterwards if she wants to take herself for a saint and lie that’s her problem I don’t look at this apartment I don’t like his behavior


i would see it more like this: there is the private ariela, and there is the ‘art character’ from these films. I can understand if she doesn’t want to mingle that and if she still wants to be seen here on VH as the private person she is to us

the comparison may be a bit lame (although
 probably not. After all, these are only staged scenes), but you wouldn’t address an actor by his role name (including the appropriate aditude to the role) if you knew him privately

Tout le monde connaĂźt la vĂ©ritĂ© sur les nombreuses activitĂ©s extĂ©rieures d’Ariela sur diffĂ©rents sites porno elle ne souhaite pas en parler ici elle prĂ©fĂšre nier en totalitĂ© pourquoi nier l’indĂ©niable ? On s’en contente qu’elle continue Ă  nous enchanter

This is a straw man, she isn’t saying the people who pay have sad or dissatisfied lives, she is saying the people who criticize do.

Why do people think they have a right to criticize their life? We don’t pay to give them advice they didn’t ask for, we pay to have access to the cameras, that’s it. As far as we know they are happy and that’s all that matters.

People are making up excuses for themselves to be mad about things that don’t really matter and that is sad. They could be enjoying the viewing like most normal people on here


Ok pour tes propos mais ce que je ne comprends pas c’est pourquoi Ariela cherche toujours Ă  nous raconter des histoires qui ne tiennent pas la route pour se justifier. Elle a une vie professionnelle en dehors de l’appartement qu’elle essaie de nier alors qu’elle est connue de tous. C’est sa vie ça nous regarde pas elle fait du porno en dehors ok c’est sa vie pour nous c’est ses relations dans l’appartement qui nous intĂ©ressent mais pour ma part de regarder ses vidĂ©os pimente le regard que j’ai sur elle

People posting photoshoots from the past is not evidence of some secret life she has every time she leaves the house. She wants to keep some some stuff seperate from her life here, that’s no big deal for any respectable human being to comply with but anyone who keeps trying to act as if they have uncovered the biggest scandal are wasting their own time. In addition, Anyone who is making up fairytales to explain why she leaves the house and then getting upset about it only have themselves to blame for their own fantasies, and lastly to anyone who is getting upset that she fools around with other men, I ask who are you upset for? Seb? We know he is OK with it so stop getting upset on behalf of people who aren’t upset themselves