Ariela (Part 2)

Sie kann jetzt bei diesem Gast wieder lachen und sieht glücklich aus. Hoffentlich
kommt nicht die Wende, wenn ihr sogenannter Mann kommt.
Ariela genieße die schönen Stunden. Du hast es verdient.


savez-vous la cause des pleure ?

Even the oldest highlanders don’t know what they were arguing about. One thing I know is that Ariela cried twice. :wink:


How am I supposed to see it when you can’t give any other reason than she was crying. It’s happened many times before. We all know here that Ariela has some challenges when it comes to her emotional life. I’m not saying it could be due to things in this relationship but we should respect what Ariela explained in her own words and not speculate! JMO

Did you watch the action this morning? Those weren’t Ariela’s emotional problems.


Analizando bem, o Alek tem alguma razão. Para está suportando toda essa humilhação e brigas, Ariela só pode estar com algum problema, que ainda não sabemos. Talves os amigos mais próximos dela já tenham conhecimento.
Embora pareça claro, que o Barton não é bem aceito no grupo.


faut dire que quand elle vas en visite elle est toute seul et bien heureuse de revoir Will comme la dernière fois chez Bo


Eles formam o “trio” perfeito, e ficam muito bem juntos. Isso já aconteceu algumas vezes.


I’m going to say something for which I have no evidence and is - admittedly - controversial. (Before I write it I simply ask that you indulge me a moment of mindless speculation and, I admit upfront that I will probably be proven completely wrong.) Today’s visitor is giving off “gay best friend” vibes for some reason. Don’t get me wrong; I’m not suggesting there is anything wrong with it. Simply giving my first impressions.

For instance, when “the Manager” guy (can’t remember his name) visits in the apt, it’s obvious that he is enchanted, in love (lust) and completely besotted with being in Ariela’s presence he can’t take his eyes away from her. When he’s near her he cannot help to touch/rub her skin. But, this current visitor . . . not so much. Just don’t get the undefinable “something” that other male visitors in Ariela’s orbit tend to give off.

Go ahead…attack me. I accept that I’ll be proven wrong within a few hours of him and her alone on the sofa bed, but …

(His face does resemble Will’s, though, admittedly.)

Do you seriously think that Siggma is a manager? A manager doesn’t visit his protégés and as for that boy, they only end up on the couch watching a movie. :wink:

Not at all. (Note the use of quotation marks “” to indicate it is a label that ‘others’ have given.) No, I do not know his relationship to her and, if I’m honest, it’s a part of the story that does not interest whatsoever. I use it simply to label that person as different from anyone else.

By the way…it is my undisputable belief, “. . . they only end up on the couch watching a movie.” is not HIS choice.

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Now it’s time for guitar lessons


That super smile is back, bravo :slightly_smiling_face:


It sounds like some wrong notes, but I recognize the melody…


I don’t know how Ariela could possibly handle that issue

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Ariela geh ins Bett ,du hast doch ein Schlafzimmer.


Issue? Can you explain? Confused.

The big lump in the middle of the sheets, it was an attempt at humour suggesting he had a huge erection.

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That’s why she preferred to sleep in the kitchen… :thinking:
