Ariela (Part 2)

aaah. thank you for the explanation.

this guy looks much better than other guy who she sex with tbh.

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A mulher estĂĄ no vermelho. A Ășltima gozada vista foi no dia 8 -12-24, com o Sigma. Desta data atĂ© hoje para ela, foi sĂł a mangueirinha do chuveiro. Se ela deita ao lado do cara com aquela ereção, a coisinha ia pegar fogo.

Do you happen to know what he does outside the apartment or do you base it on what you see in the house? Why necessarily judge whether she is sexually satisfied? But ultimately, what does it matter if she is satisfied by the sex she has or not? For me it makes no sense to focus on this. She is a girl who must definitely find her balance and for me following her it is much more important to hope for this instead of counting the times and how she has sex
 I may be against the flow but that’s what I think


My god, you are so annoying

Acho que vocĂȘ estĂĄ empolgado com o tĂ­tulo recente de “bom moço”. Olha a figura de referĂȘncia, e LĂȘ de novo com mais atenção. Na empolgação, esqueceu de ler a palavra “vista”.

now that he his now not trolling this topic , you say he is annoying , but in the past when he was being a jerk just like you , he was your favourite poster in this topic , how about taking a leaf out of his book and grow the fuk up ,stop being a dick , it doesnt make you look smart. it certainly is not welcomed ,


Let these birds of a feather have their moment😏


i have to vent at least 3 times a day on here . so im being selective where i use them :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


I want to see Ariela smiling like this. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :heart_eyes: :hearts:


Voltou o cĂ­rculo de ofensas e baixarias.

Hasn’t really left had it

A quick bath and a little “hairdo”! :yum: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Then they left. Almost forgot the trash! :hugs:


Psycho is back.
Take care of yourself Ariela.

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A few days ago, a fellow forum member suggested that this guy might be bipolar. I think he is. His mood changes so quickly, it doesn’t seem normal. He yells at ariela making her cry, then acts happy a few minutes later. He doesn’t seem quite right

She seems to have had a couple of blokes like that lately.

Point taken. However, regardless of perceived personal deficiencies, he obviously appears to have something that Ariela wants/needs (and I’m not talking sexually). If it matters and if commentary is necessary, perhaps the focus should be on what is motivating her decisions more than the limitations of those whom she chooses. Just a thought.


I think if we had a chance for Ariela to interact with the forum this is definitely not the way to entice her
don’t judge her choices
Barton probably just needs to adapt to Ariela’s lifestyle and maybe vice versa he has need to take a few steps back
life is made of compromises and I hope that they find the right way to get along
think about it
your way of commenting is useless. 
he will do as he wants anyway


It’s a mental health condition that doesn’t go up and down in a few days. Those who suffer from it usually have cycles of up and down for a few months. He doesn’t fit in well with that! :face_with_monocle: :thinking:

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For once I think your assesment is close to the truth! :hugs:

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