La photo en dit tellement. Je vois une Ariela pas heureuse, une Ariela triste, une Ariela qui fait beaucoup d’efforts pour son couple, une Ariela amoureuse d’un type pas bon pour elles, mais on ne doit rien dire, juste regarder et respecter ses choix. Mais voir une Ariela comme ça fait beaucoup de peine, ce type ne mérite pas Ariela. Ariela mérite mieux comme amour.
My impression is that he wants to steer Ariela. And if he doesn’t get what he wants. That he starts to behave like a boy in a toy shop who doesn’t get his toy car.
For the love of god…
We can say and advise Ariella but as she says " its my fella so bugger off"
We live in hope but hope we don’t die in despair.
May your god give you happiness.
It is a right thought to express concern if we see this situation but we cannot judge a person by what we see at home… few will know the real reason for these quarrels but I have learned that when a couple quarrels the reason is almost never in one sole direction… I don’t even know how right it is in a context so protected by so much privacy to bring these discussions in front of the cameras… they could do it themselves elsewhere… I don’t care and the reasons don’t concern me… but when I see Ariela sad I feel sorry… I hope they both can find a balance that allows them to be calm and happy.
I don’t know, but I give him props for being able to properly wash a dish.
Does the recent reappearance of Will (formerly known as Milo) imply he will be returning to the project (or has he bed everyone in the town in which he lives and is simply on a sex tour-just kidding)?
den kenn ich nicht, kann mich jedenfalls nicht erinnern.
Scroll through the chat. He was there once and just slept there and left in the morning.
Looking at the date on the pic (thank you for posting), I now recall that he came and went very briefly a little while ago. He’s scrubbing the pots, pans, and eating utensils like he’s on a mission, though. He was obviously not impressed when he stopped by last month.
Eu felei que não me pronunciaria mais no fórum. Mas, a situação merece uma trégua. A atitude dele, demonstra um desiquilíbrio crescente. Quém assistiu viu que, depois de impedir que ela fosse para varanda (loggia), Ele deliberadamente aumentou o som e forjou um abraço, para que ninguém perceber que ela chorava. Atitude perigosa, porque se estiver em um ponto cego das câmeras, ninguém vai poder socorre-la. Comportamento de um psicopata.
Not going to lie, in a moment of personal bemusement, the thought actually crossed my mind. I decided that if it were true, he would have inherited his brother’s over-sexual prowess and he would be too busy chasing Ariela around the apartment to be able to clean anything.
I’m not sure the apartment is being cleaned quickly necessarily…but maybe you’re right. Over the past few days, it had gotten pretty disheveled. (The Living Area was especially messy.) It’s also been speculated before that Ariela may respond to stress by cleaning. It is possible, then, that what we see now is both a desire to clean-up the “mess” and help her deal (cope) with her emotions. But that’s pure speculation on my part…i don’t know.
Quem assistiu, sabe do que eu estou falando. Porque viu muitos gritos e choro. E não foi representação.