What an oddball ârelationshipâ. A boyfriend, played by âbartonâ shows very little interest in the girlfriend, played by âarielaâ
if you donât like it donât lookâŚ
Oh no, i hurt little andre85âs feelings. By the way, i couldnât care less
Do you really think anyone in their right mind cares about that?
dear puppy you didnât hurt me at all you can continue to do what you wantâŚ
Still canât figure out why they think I care about their opinions. I have a right to express my thoughts and opinions, but these guys get their panties in a bunch because I donât share their opinions. Sad
What emotionless scum just standing there yelling at Ariela! why is she going with him?
Take the key now not tomorrow.
What would have happened if he hadnât been sober Then it wouldnât have been fun for our darling Ariela.
Loud alarm bells are ringing again.
She looked scared as she walked with Bart what if the cameras werenât there or on.
Psychpath or just a Clown! I prey for are Queen that nothing happen to her nobody see whats going on there on the outside she is safer inside.
Coming soon all episode titles of this Series âQueen of VHTVâ
Da quando si e messa con Barton Ariela piange spesso,questâuomo è bipolare,Ariela lascialo finchè sei in tempo,
Youâre right though.
Psycho!? and bipolar or just a master manipulator. Which is not a good combination. He has more psychotic features than just bipolar.
ÂżQuĂŠ te hizo tan vulnerable emocionalmente? ÂĄEl cĂrculo de conocidos es tan grande que las personas que llegamos a conocer son incomprensibles para mĂ y para muchos de nosotros! ÂĄEl miedo le habla a muchos de nosotros!
Hai ragione per fortuna era sobrio,Barton ogni volta aggiunge qualcosa in piĂš in negativo, la prima volta si e limitato a piangere, la seconda volta ha alzato la voce,la terza volta urlato e preso a calci la porta,oggi per fortunao sfortuna sono usciti,mi domando questo tizio dove e capace di arrivare? Ariela aveva chiesto di non giudicarlo, ma siamo preoccupati per lei,gli ha levato il sorriso la sta allontanando dai suoi amici,praticamente la sta isolando.-
Maybe tears of laughter, how can you take a man with a bun on top of his head and his junk wobbling about seriously.
Pictures can sometimes say a lot. Iâm not really the type to tell other people what to do.
I watched the whole scene. And I think Barton might have a problem with his own ego. He also seems absolutely over nervous. Like something is pressurising him.
Please Ariela, take care of yourself. And keep a close eye on the situation. So that you donât get hurt. Of course, a relationship always involves compromises. But donât let him take away your freedom. Perhaps the two of you are simply not suitable for a relationship at the moment, even if you really want to be.
You havenât been together long, but sometimes it seems like the relationship is more of a burden.
As I mentioned above, Ariela, I canât tell you what you should do. I can only advise you to take care of yourself physically, but above all mentally. Good luck with your decisions and lots of hugs!