I am a new admin on the forum
I am creating this topic in order to hear your suggestions for improving the forum. I will be happy to read your suggestions, ideas and complaints and try (to the best of my ability) to make this place even more interesting and comfortable.
And my first question, if I may:
tell us your stories, how did you get to the forum?
Did you get to the forum first and find out about VH here? Or vice versa, did you come here with VH?
I was one of the first here and helped @VHTV_James to setup everything and tested things here.
Me and the other moment operators also do the content updates and keep the Wiki of participants, guests and pets up to date
Welcome here. I hope we all have a good time together
I moved the topic to the forum feedback category
you. I’ve heard about you and colleagues
Thank you for your work.
but I do not know your story
it was a site VH → forum
forum → forum → VH site
First the website which already launched in November 2016
The forum works fine and serves it’s purpose, I’m sure people would be more happy if the main site ran as well as the forum does
Yes I fully agree to that statement
I did come here to the forum with the VH platform in the first place.
THE FORUM WORKS PERFECTLY Dont change something that isnt broken… We have witnessed first hand what happens when one of you lot tinker with things
leave it to the in-house deputies they do a decent job ,
The forum virtually never displays any trouble for me. It is everything else which is usable which provides me the problems. If there is problems in the first place.
I second that.
Came across the forun bia the main site about three years ago - thanks for all your hard work
Only issue I have with the forum is when scrolling through posts, it keeps bouncing back to much earlier posts so i am constantly having to scroll through things I have already seen. At a (semi-educated) guess, the buffer at your end is too small?
I am far from technical subtleties.
but I can say that I don’t have such problems in the Chrome browser
could it be that your problem is being solved by changing the browser?
Welcome aboard!
I have followed VHTV since the beginning, but a little in the background.
Joined the forum a few days after it came online.
I’ve been following the site for a couples yrs before I joined the forum been on here for 2 yrs and still going strong
6 posts were merged into an existing topic: VHTV and the Chamber of Chatters
Mr. Administrator @Green Tourm
I have 2 suggestions for your consideration
1-Eliminate imogi “man face palmind” no one should have the right to call a member an idiot because they don’t agree with their opinion, as long as he complies with the forum rules,
2-Create an imogi to exclusively thank a post as useful
thank you for the offer. I’ll look for something suitable now.
You right about that…at Google Chrome VH does works better in my Internet