That’s a lovely picture and on my screen the colours are lovely and vibrant (as I assume they are on yours (?)). One question though and this is more a technical one than anything…
Are you (or anyone else) seeing any ‘banding’ - unnatural lines - around the sun?
On my screen I do see some. I just want to make sure it is just my screen. It’s a rather new laptop, purchased only a few months ago and I am sensing a few display issues with it.
Thank you, I appreciate this greatly. Maybe my screen isn’t quite as much to ‘blame’ as I had thought, for some recent rather odd looking images (not all of which have which have been on this or the main site).
Granada, Spain.
This is such a beautiful picture I felt it should look better than the original posted above. So, I enhanced it a bit and enlarged it.
The original is 512 x 640. The enhanced version is 1538 x 1920. Compare them and let me know what you think.
Yes, I see some circles around the sun when I enlarge it. I agree with Crossmyway.
The resolution of the picture I posted is very small (602 x 452). Whenever you enlarge a picture past it’s actual resolution, you’re likely to see distortions of one type or another.
Crossmyway’s picture is much bigger (1920 x 1200), full HD, so it looks much better on your screen.
Do you have a 17 in (43.18 cm) screen? If so, it’s probably 1920 x 1080 (1080p), which is full HD.
There really is a statistic for everything…
Average Number of Sexual Partners by Country 2024:
source, If you want to know where your country ranks:
Lol, Turkey has the darkest colour on that map. I bet that’s only valid for men
The enhanced image of Granada in my opinion looks better thanks
Thank you JonR. Until today I didn’t know that snakes could climb trees. Cheers
Thanks for the info. Much appreciated.
can you imagine sitting near that lake doing a bit of fishing and that cloud formation comes rolling in , first thought would be fuck its a spaceship ?
2nd thought would be ,= i hope the dont abduct me !
3 rd thought would be , s__t am i going to get my butt probed
…although I’ve always wondered what’s actually going on with the aliens that they only seem to want to examine butts… something must have gone strange on their planet during development
no women ???
Then I would rather take a closer look at the special features of our women instead of the butts of even more men