Yes, I’m at loss of words here. In my experience the vast majority of people are…well, decent people. But then there are some who just…I don’t know if you saw something letsdothis posted a few months back. Once again I’m speechless
Sorry for being such a party pooper here tonight, with my two posts right above this one. Let me just add two things here before I stop,
First, I felt like posting this because sometimes we perhaps need a reminder that it’s not only extreme situations, like war and so on, that brings out the worst in people. The worst may also show up in mundane and everyday situations. It is up to us to take a stand against this too.
Secondly, @Eros may I have a word with you? Sometimes you need to read posts before you give them a heart emoij! My two posts above deserves nothing but angry and sad reactions! No offense my friend, but take your time to read through them, and I’m sure you’ll agree with me.
Please don’t feel you need to apologise, you really don’t, my friend. What you have written, needed to be said.
May I also thank you for sharing the original post with us - I neglected to do so as I was so busy being angry about what you were kindly explaining, in that post. I know it made my b___d boil (I won’t repeat my reasoning as I know you understood what I said in response to it) but things like that NEED to be brought to attention because they really DO happen
GladNGrumpy Thank you for the note it’s true that I didn’t read it (apologize for that) but after reading it carefully I would either put a sad emoij or put a heart again because what you wrote is important and gives behavioral lessons and deserves a feeling of love. But I don’t want there to be a misunderstanding in your own sensitivities and because I couldn’t explain it I will be more careful when something like this is written
Thank You again !!
So why are you liking posts you did not read ?
In my life I never lie. (Unless it is necessary for obvious and special reasons) Because of the Topic, 99% of the comments gets positive likes I apologized to GladNGrumpy and I will make sure to read all the comments in every topics carefully even the jokes
I am no botanist (as I think you know, I am more into birds) but is that a Dahlia of some variety?
I honestly don’t know, but Google Lens might be able to tell me. Give me a few, and I’ll see what I can find out.
Oh I am sorry, I never even considered that option in this case. Even I can use THAT (and do sometimes), on a laptop.
It’s called a Japanese camellia. Ironically, it’s native to China.
That’s just bizarre (but thank you for finding out)!
Thank you for those amazing images, I was convinced it was a Dahlia.