i am interested in both
The Red coloring is the result of the existence of red sandstone full of iron oxide. This mineral-rich sedimentary rock gets washed off the mountainsides when it rains and turns the water into a red or pink hue (the exact tone is based on the volume of precipitations).
I think on this occasion, I will opt out of giving either one, if you don’t mind.
i knew it!
You coward
I wonder how many parking bays that would take up, if it was parked across them!
I also wonder how many car lengths it is equivalent to.
David when restored it was 100 feet long. It was powered by two V8 engines one at the front and one engine at the rear.
That’s amazing and very interesting. Thank you for the information.
You are very welcome. Cheers
Just to clarify, the train itself would be from the lead (technically probably graphite), as well as the obvious wooden part of the pencil?
yes, it looks like that to me, i tried to find a ‘making of’ video, but did not succeed until now
no making-of, but the artist is Cindy Chinn, and with that knowledge there are some videos to be found. e.g. this one here:
She can also be found at thesawlady.com. She also works in many different mediums.
These are actual carved leads of pencils, while they are still attached to the wood counterpart. Amazing stuff. Please be sure to read the description about the teardrop.
I normally post from oldest file to newest, but these seem to fit in with today’s post about the Saw Lady.
This is facinating. Thank you for expanding upon the information already given by Lukas.
Thank you for the link. She really is such a talented lady!
Here’s a little something different for this usually rather merry topic. It happened recently somewhere in the US, when a lady who a few years lost one of her legs in an accident, finally got a handicap parking space near her home. Then one of her neighbours started parking there, and she put a note on his car window asking him please to stop doing that. The next day she found a note in return - it read like this:
"Hey handicap! First, never place your hands on my car again! Second, honey you ain’t the only one with ‘struggles.’ You want pity go to a one leg support group! You messed with the wrong one! I don’t care what your note said shove it, but you touch my car again I will file a report, I am not playing! I let the office know the cry baby one leg touches my property I will cause trouble so go cry your struggles to someone who cares cause I’m walking away with both mine! "
What can one say? Some people are just obnoxious
This is d______eful and disgusting on EVERY SINGLE LEVEL imaginable!!! I don’t mean the fact that you have posted it (I am certainly not having a go at YOU here).
As a constant wheelchair user (born with Spina Bifida - you can Google that if you wish) myself and someone who has had to have BOTH legs removed due to complications in more recent years (yes, seriously), I find that person’s reaction dispicable.
“Hey handicap”…oh my goodness, if someone DARED to say that to me (I think I will keep it polite for the forum and not say what my actual reaction would be)…
… The word ‘handicap’ or even ‘handicapped’ is deplorable when used in the context of disibility anyway, however, I won’t rant on about that.
Some human beings - and I use that term rather loosely for some of them - really are the lowest of the low.