Yan & Flora

Ah interesting. Can you tell more?

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Slightly lost track as looking at forum but it was part of a card game wasn’t it

Same girl or am I crazy


Yep that is her. Maybe we should name her Adele?

I remember saving stuff with guest girls

I was thinking Danica but sure you choose

Took me lot of thinking to stay in the “A” names here :rofl: :rofl:


Aylin is gone?

Appears Guido and Astrid are too

Maybe ______ run. Finnley is still there.

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Another disappointment for you apparently he’s been named Already on the wiki

Oh let me check. :wink:

Oh I only checked Flora place. Indeed he is named Bryn already in realm25. Fine for me

Everybody back playing the guessing game.

Did Flora ever get naked in front of the new guy?

Astrid had dressed extra.

No she stayed dressed in what she was wearing

no if she get naked yan will get angry or jealous

All the other men know her naked. She has even ridden on G. (on her back).

Lol how lame. What a pussy :joy: