Yan & Flora

That does not mean he would not play a little bit on the other team.

Flora can come across as being quite scary to some, I think her bark is bigger than her bite. I noticed Aylin raising her voice to the new guy, I wonder who she learnt that from :laughing:

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Guest is visiting.

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That guy seems more like a man to meā€¦


Seen that she had arrived (does she have a name?) Wonder if G finds it weird that 3 girls currently in the room was originally brought in for him

Who you mean? I see Aylin, Astrid and Flora

good group

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Ah now I see there is one more girl. I think she has no name yet.

Surprised by the no name considering she must be in the archive as Iā€™m sure Flora has had her way with her

Really? She looks new to meā€¦

Oh I could be wrong then, I thought it was the 1st girl of the day when Aylin also appeared, if it is her then she has been a few times, think it was in the bathroom where it happened with Flora

Nah that girl had a tattoo on her neck. The one now does not have.

When there is action with new guy I suggest Finnley as name :wink:

Your thoughts on the whole thing would be interestingā€¦ She also seems quite skeptical ā€¦

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Yan arguing with Aylin, is he accusing her about something?
Aylin doesnĀ“t give in, sheĀ“s become pretty tough.

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Well she had to handle Aderyn all the time :rofl:

I donā€™t remember where or when but I have seen her face before.

I also believe she may not be newā€¦ there was a few girls that visited before

they are arguing about aderyn and aylin matterā€¦

I checked the Wiki. Did not find her. So maybe not in archivesā€¦