Yan & Evelyn

Daarom moet Yan met haar meegaan en een baan gaan zoeken.

Dat is wat zij wil

Volgens mij is ze nu van alles aan het doen om hem mee te krijgen. Ze doet nu zo haar best voor hem.

I reckon she is bats__t crazy and border line schizo, and doesnt know what she wants.

Ze wil met Yan verder gaan maar niet in dit project

Neither side seems to want to compromise. I would like to to see them stick together but both are going to have to give a liitle. Compromise is what makes a relationship work.

Yan, you have nothing to worry about, everything will be fine. You can survive even without the cameras and the project. Go live your life and enjoy it.
You have a beautiful girlfriend by your side, itā€™s all goodā€¦ smile :smile:

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Donā€™t think he can. The first thing he said after the closure on 27th was to enumerate the other places where he will be

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sometimes you just need to let it go

I agree, just donā€™t think heā€™s ready for or want that


now is the time for him to learnā€¦ he got a big decision to make


is this shrek movie ever ending :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Always hard to let go of easy money and a nice apartment (except bathroom). But decisions must be made.

Yan is een lul als hij Evelyn laat gaan.Hij is al een keer huilend acht haar aan gegaan of ze alsjeblieft weer terug wilde komen

I can see that they both care for each other. But when he leaves heā€™ll hold it against her and if he stays sheā€™ll hold it against him. Yes Evelyn is a beautiful young lady and we old perverts like looking at her. Somebody is going to have to compromise some in this relationship for it to continue.

De hele nacht heeft Evelyn alles voor Yan gedaan. En ja hoor meneer zeg weer iets en is Evelyn kwaad weg gegaan. Hoe dom kan je zijn

you need to make up your mind because you are all over the place who are you blaming this time like seriously relax :man_shrugging:

Seems was the farewellā€¦ as cold as ice

You know this how. Do you speak the language? Have you talked to her personally in DMs??

ont til fait le sexe ensemble au moins ā€¦

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