Yan & Evelyn

I have no idea whats going on at this point

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Ze heeft haar spullen in de badkamer al ingepakt

she has done that many times when she visits her parents so i will wait to seeā€¦

And easier as a breakup than as peaceā€¦

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evelyn is a wonderful girl and above all very beautiful but she is not n ready for vhtvā€¦leaving aside yan who is now a lost causeā€¦

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she is not n ready for vhtv we all saw it except youā€¦

why are you talking to me? you are a bully and you think i am the only one who likes her you do not speak for everyone

if I remember correctly we had made up in pm or to you they are just sentences without any meaningā€¦

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good to know Iā€™m loadedā€¦ :muscle: :muscle: :muscle: :muscle: :muscle: :muscle: :muscle: :muscle: :muscle: :muscle: :muscle:


I wanted to be nice to you but I see your brain wonā€™t let youā€¦

Het lijkt wel of Evelyn niet weg wil probeer alles bij yan maar die blijft maar slapen

S___ping like he does is a sign of depression

on the 27th it all ends ā€¦ :champagne: :champagne: :champagne: :champagne:

if people breaking up gives you happiness then your life must be full of sadness. i am here if you need to talk i know how it feels to be sad this includes the people who thumbs up your post :cry:

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you didnā€™t understand s__t get the fuck out of my life do me this favorā€¦ :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

Iā€™m sorry to say but all I see is you picking on JamesDeen and Itā€™s you thatā€™s losing control something that your failing to do with James

dont worry bro my pms are open if you wanna talk. :heart:

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Evelyn laat echt zien dat ze nog heel veel van Yan houdt.Als Yan wijs is stapt hij samen met Evelyn uit dit project. Ik denk dat ze dan samen heel gelukkig kunnen worden

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I will be sad that they leave, but I agree. He will not find such a woman again

could be however evelyn is not ready at least for now to be on vhtv with cameras watching you 24 hours a dayā€¦

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