Gisteren waren ze samen en mocht Yan niet aan haar komen
what are you talking about plus none of it matters anymore they are leaving by friday all of this doesnât matter anymore if they wanna work on there relationship then its probably better to do it off camera
Dat is zeker zo
is someone in the hall?
is that aderyn?
Wish I understood the language.
Isnât that shirt aderyn have from the Yan&Flora wedding?? Wondering if he have any kind of brains working inside that stuff on top of his body
Ja. Ik ook
Yan had Flora aan de telefoon
. Dat vond ik niet leuk voor Evelyn
We only know that they are leaving the project. That doesnât mean that they are ending the relationship. Unless Yan stated that earlier?
support said yan is staying as participant and evelyn is leaving because they broke up but looks like maybe they have worked it out and are back on they have been very intimate today
Support can only tell what managers told them. The relationship between them seems complicated. They have to work it out and the result can be break up or making up
im just saying from what i have seen today they look good who knows what can happen itomorrow or even tonight it can go back to square one again
Have you spoken to support?
How else do you know they must have broken up?
support told me that earlier she leaving cos they broke up but dont forget this happened before and they ended up staying and now they look good
ok! weâll just have to see what happens!
right now it doesnât look like they have broken up
Ze is aan het inpakken ze gaat weg