Yan & Evelyn

he knows , he knows everything !

Gotta, get that beautiful hair where we want it :stuck_out_tongue:
Lovely girl .will definitely be missed
until next time :kissing_heart:

No, you could see Yan wiping the ice off the door later

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Als je even terug kijkt dan zie je het zelf

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er hat Flora verloren und nun Evelyn
*denk es wird fĂŒr in eine neue kommen

Don’t you mean he got FREE of Flora :wink: :joy:

ok aber man sieht ja auch Flora zieht Ihr ding durch
finde sie hat gut zu Yan gepasst
Yan muss aufstehen und SEIN leben weiter fĂŒhren
Evelyn war von anfang an nicht fĂŒr VH TV
Evelyn smartphone hier smarphone da und immer die schönste sein
meine meinung sie past nicht zu Ihn fĂŒr sein lebenstill

mein Traum wÀre er kommt mit Flora wieder zusammen

Nothing would surprise me when Flora is involved, I wouldn’t put it past her if this whole split and going separate ways is just all part of the show to get more attention to 2 realms instead of one :thinking:

(This is just purely me thinking out loud it maybe true or just a load of s__te :man_shrugging: but I wouldn’t be shocked if it happened)

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ich bin ganz Deine meinung
aber die beiden(Yan+Flora) sollen sich nicht zuviel zeit lassen
sonst kommt nachher Evelyn wieder *fg

I don’t know where everyone got the ID that they broke up? the only thing i saw was that she took some clothes with her and went to her parents and showered as she has done several times!
i watched them last night and the only thing i saw were her getting mad at Yan and going to her parents. What have I missed that makes everyone think they have broken up?

when they are usually really angry with each other, they usually shout and throw at the doors, now they were talking quietly to each other and she closed the door calmly

wir werden sehen wann ??? Sie zu Yan zurĂŒck kommt

aber mein Traum wÀre Flora und Yan

yan and flora used to argue more then yan and evelyn and on top that the physical violence too. Stop trying to rewrite history.

well i told you thats what support said that evelyn is leaving the project because they broke up and previous 2 days it looked that way but yesterday they seemed to be back on track so fingers crossed she stays

And you think support always has the right info? The ones I’m talking about now are the ones that have happened this morning with that video someone put out after that everyone said that was the last time we saw Everlyn kind of

I think we have looked at the situations in different ways, yes they have argued a lot
but I think they only broke up once and Everlyn wrote about them here

support said it was the information they have been given by the participants/managers please don’t shoot the messenger.

Thank you for contacting us. Due to our latest information Yan & Evelyn broke up. Evelyn is leaving the project, but Yan should remain as participant in his apartment.

Best regards, Alex

Voyeur-House Support Department

I understand that! what I mean is that support has been wrong before and somewhere that they had said something different to someone else here regarding Yan and Everlyn

But we’ll see what happens here in the next few days! I’m not entirely sure that they will really drop out

i know and its frustrating the amount of times support has given me false hope but its not their fault they just tell you information they have been given. I hope she stays