Why was @Stinky240 banned?

I am most likely sticking my neck out here, but why was @Stinky240 banned until 14th Feb for what is described as “This user is suspended until 14 Feb 2022 07:00.
Reason: Too combative”.

I find that extremely strange and of course, I may have missed something, but I have always found him to nonconfrontational and indeed there is nothing in his recent posts which indicates aggression https://forum.spyhub.tv/u/stinky240/activity/replies

Is it a mistake @kaya @VHTV_James ?

i KNOW I am most likely poking my nose into something I don’t understand, but he seemed a cool guy to me. :slight_smile:


I find that strange too :thinking: I think he’s quite funny with his comments

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Account is suspended by Feb 14 for homophobic and racist post

Wow, that seems so out of character for him, but okay, but it does surprise me.

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Actually seems to be more of rude joke and not real hate, but still can’t tolerate this

Fair enough, but I think he is the type of guy that would understand a quick talking to that he cannot do that, rather than a ban.

I am not telling you how to conduct your business kaya and respect for your decision, I just think @Stinky240 would understand a kick up the ass rather than a ban; it’s just a personal opinion. :slight_smile:


If it turned out to be a rude JOKE, why not tell him: Mr. Stinky, don’t do that anymore or you’ll get banned, given the other posts that were always positive and correct
Please give him that chance


Anyway I’m not a ban issuer, I just checked the reason:)

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Sorry, my bad :slight_smile:


But his account will be released in some days, so no need to worry - the chance is still there :+1:


I suppose it depends how you interpret other people’s sense of humour. I always found him to be funny and his comments always lightens the mood in chat threads. Look at the split in UK public opinion right now over the joke told by comedian Jimmy Carr as an example. I won’t repeat it here but I’m sure it can be found on Google. All I will say is I agree with what ukpolska said because to me that seems very out of character for him as I never found him offensive. Anyway I look forward to being one of the first to welcome him back.

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@kaya , I understand you can’t ban people, but I wanted to say that I agree wholeheartedly, 110% with everything everyone has said here. I have always found Stinky to be nothing but funny and a level-headed peacemaker. What you’ve found to be the reason for banning him is so far out of character it’s laughable. Where can I read this post that got him banned? Thank you.

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Hmmm people say all sorts of rude things on here and never get banned. Multiple people were calling the guests d*kes and saying of rude homophobic things on Mira and Henry’s page today and none of their accounts were bad.

Why was @stinky240 banned for a rude joke but people who were actually saying homophobic things not band??


Stinky and I don’t always get along, but I have never known him to be intentionally rude or disrespectful.

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Saying Stinky is “too combative”, is like saying the Pope is a porn star.

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@Stinky240 LIVES!!! They let him out of the gulag finally! :laughing: :raised_hands: :raised_hands: :raised_hands:

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Yes, I’m back. I will explain here what happened. That is, what I think has happened, since I got ZERO explanation from anyone about why and who or what. I wanted to prepare something but then I thought: nha, probably when I sign in again I’ll have a direct message with some information. But no, nothing. So I will have to make a guess. And I will. I will tell you everything. Everything. But first things first: I will tell you what happened with Hudson and Hindy since that is far more important than my little problems. I will do so in their thread. After that I’ll return right here and tell you what I think about all this. It won’t be pretty.

Give me some time though. It is 08:13 am here and I need some s___p. (Superbowl, Olympics, etc)

In the mean time, you can listen to some music.

I included the Lyrics. Have fun.

Welcome back Stinky the place isn’t the same without you :+1: :joy: :innocent: Their thread has mysteriously disappeared :thinking:

It’s been archived so it’s now here

It’s great to have you back pal and I think what happened was so wrong being not able to defend yourself as most of us live in a democracy being able to defend ourselves when someone accuses us of wrongdoing.

It is crass and ridiculous of VHTV to conduct themselves like this and hopefully, lessons can be learnt and policies can be reviewed in such systems.

The only defence I can offer is that they are still learning and hopefully the very reasonable @kaya can take this on board and speak to the rest of the VHTV team and find a better way to deal with such future incidences.

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