I actually want to extend my subscription. but I can’t find any paypal payment for the site anymore
VHTV no longer accept PayPal as a payment option
It’s more the other way around. PayPal no longer accepts VHTV as a payee.
vhtv support gives me internal reasons. But I suspect that he blocked the Russian market.
Too bad. then the project is finished for me
Unfortunately due to no more Paypal. I won’t be able to continue a premier member. My banks her in US don’t go through. I know its nobodys fault on this site, just sad… Unless I can paypal someone privately
I’ve been using Paypal all along without any problems. What happened to you?
I don’t use Paypal, but my US card has worked just fine before.
the account I use to sent it to no longer accepts transactions
I think it’s about time VHTV offered other payment options as soon as possible. The easiest way should actually be a normal bank transfer. It may not be ideal for some, since it will then appear on the bank statement, but it is the surest way that it works.
As discussed here PayPal is no longer accepted by VHTV as a payment method
My subscription has also expired. Since I will not pay with a credit card or with bitcoin, I have to wait until vhtv accepts other means of payment.
Paysafecard is also a very safe and totally anonymous means of payment. It works very well with chaturbate. VHTV should offer it.
so…no more PayPal? That sad. Bye than.
Same situation here.
Для меня это одно и то же. Без PayPal я больше не могу участвовать в этом. Пока
I am a premium Menber since a long time. But!! I will not gibe my Credit Card detail in the web, PayPal is gone. What about Steam ou similar cards we can buy at every discouter or shop? I really enjoined vhtv. It will be a pity not to joi again-
I understand your frustration, and I’m sorry about that. But right now we are not in a situation in which we can accept PayPal payments from you. There are multiple factors which we take into account here, and we made our decision based on them, even if we accept less subscriptions in the end result.
What do we do with them? Buy games or Amazon stuff for us? Re-sell those? This is not our business model. It would be great if there were VHTV Cards hanging with eBay/Steam/MS/Amazon cards at your gas station, but the reality is quite different
I’m sorry you are not comfortable with providing your card information to verified payment agents, but, again, your credit card information is protected by high-authority policies which our payment agents follow. You are at the safe side if you can properly handle your private information. I’m implying your card has 3D-Secure or similar authorization method enab__d, which prevents online payments via your card without your certain authorization.
You routinely provide information about others accounts in the open forum and to you worker bees. You routinely confirm and deny the identity of members to other people. There is no good reason to trust that you won’t do the same with peoples credit card information.
Wie sieht es mit Paysafe aus ?
This makes absolutely no sense to me