We will notify you if we have this option available anytime in the future
The statement is clear: There are multiple factors which we take into account here, and we made our decision based on them, even if we accept less subscriptions in the end result.
It means that those who cannot or do not want to book without Paypal are not relevant to VHTV.
Everyone is relevant if they are interested in the project. As for now we cannot process PayPal payments, that is the only fact which matters. If one willing to subscribe to VHTV doesn’t find payment methods suitable to them, we can have no relation, as for now. Sorry about that. You might understand how we feel about it and that we basically experience a loss because of that. That shouldn’t and might not matter to anyone but us, at the end.
We will let you know once PayPal or any other payment method will become available in addition to securely accepting your Credit Cards/Sofort/Direct Debit via Verotel or BTC.
Stay up-to-date and we will let everyone know about any changes. I have to lock this thread as there is no subject to discuss right now - there will be no PayPal option at VHTV in the recent future. We’ll hope for the best for everyone.
Hi, Why can’t you pay with PayPal anymore? But why
Is it against VHTV ToS to have another member buy you a subscription for you and you paypal them money if your card doesnt work?